Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 出端,出口,泥酔,出来,溺愛,溺死,凸凹,電池,電柱,電動

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Direct access: 出端 , 出口 , 泥酔 , 出来 , 溺愛 , 溺死 , 凸凹 , 電池 , 電柱 , 電動


pronunciation: debana
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 出鼻
translation: outset, start
出端を挫く: debanaokujiku: snub (a person) <<<


pronunciation: deguchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , transport
translation: exit, outlet, way out, egress
出口の無い: deguchinonai: no way out, no exit, dead-end, hopeless <<<
出口調査: deguchichousa: exit poll <<< 調査
antonyms: 入口


pronunciation: deisui
kanji characters: ,
translation: (dead) drunkenness
泥酔する: deisuisuru: get [be] dead drunk, be boozy
泥酔者: deisuisha: drunkard, drunken person <<<


pronunciation: deki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , farming
translation: result, effect, crop, harvest, yield, make
出来る: dekiru: can, be able to, be capable of, be done, be ready, yield, feasible
出来るだけ: dekirudake: as possible
出来るだけ早く: dekirudakehayaku: as soon [quickly] as possible <<<
出来ない: dekinai: cannot, be unable to
出来が良い: dekigaii: be of good workmanship, cropped well, be of fine make <<<
出来が悪い: kigawarui: be of bad workmanship, cropped bad, be of poor make <<<
出来上がる: dekiagaru: be finished, completed <<<
出来栄え: dekibae: result, performance <<<
出来事: dekigoto: occurrence, event, incident <<<
出来物: dekimono: tumor, sore, abscess <<<
出来心: dekigokoro: sudden impulse <<<
出来高: dekidaka: yield, out put, production, total transaction <<<
不出来: hudeki: bad result, failure <<<
上出来: joudeki: good success <<<
克服出来ない: kokuhukudekinai: unconquerable, invincible <<< 克服
計算出来る: keisandekiru: calculable <<< 計算
変更出来る: henkoudekiru: alterable, changeable <<< 変更
変更出来ない: henkoudekinai: unalterable, unchangeable <<< 変更
回避出来る: kaihidekiru: avoidable <<< 回避
回避出来ない: kaihidekinai: unavoidable <<< 回避
予測出来る: yosokudekiru: predictable <<< 予測
我慢出来る: gamandekiru: bearable, tolerable <<< 我慢
我慢出来ない: gamandekinai: unbearable, intolerable <<< 我慢
修繕出来る: shuuzendekiru: repairable, reparable <<< 修繕
修繕出来ない: shuuzendekinai: irreparable, unmendable <<< 修繕
入手出来る: nyuushudekiru: available <<< 入手
適用出来ない: tekiyoudekinai: inapplicable <<< 適用
応用出来る: ouyoudekiru: practicable, applicable <<< 応用
応用出来ない: ouyoudekinai: impracticable, inapplicable <<< 応用
翻訳出来る: honnyakudekiru: translatable <<< 翻訳
比較出来ない: hikakudekinai: There is no comparison between, incomparable <<< 比較
水溜りが出来る: mizutamarigadekiru: A pool forms <<< 水溜り
瘡蓋が出来る: kasabutagadekiru: A scab forms (on) <<< 瘡蓋
今更出来ない: imasaradekinai: It can't be helped now <<< 今更
霜焼が出来る: shimoyakegadekiru: become frostbitten, be affected with chilblains, have chilblains <<< 霜焼
了解出来る: ryoukaidekiru: understandable, comprehensible <<< 了解
用意が出来る: youigadekiru: be ready (for) <<< 用意
等閑に出来ない: naozarinidekinai: serious, grave, demanding immediate [careful] attention <<< 等閑
英語が出来る: eigogadekiru: be good at English, be proficient in English <<< 英語
転売出来る: tenbaidekiru: resalable, resaleable <<< 転売
身動き出来ない: miugokidekinai: cannot move [stir] an inch, be packed like sardines <<< 身動き
友達が出来る: tomodachigadekiru: make a friend <<< 友達
日帰りが出来る: higaerigadekiru: you can get there and back in a day <<< 日帰り
利用出来る: riyoudekiru: available <<< 利用
利用出来ない: riyoudekinai: unavailable <<< 利用
調教出来ない: choukyoudekinai: indomitable, untamable <<< 調教
割れ目が出来る: waremegadekiru: crack (v.), cleave, split <<< 割れ目
信用出来る: shinnyoudekiru: reliable, credible <<< 信用
信頼出来る: shinraidekiru: reliable, credible, safe <<< 信頼
譲渡出来る: joutodekiru: transferable, alienable, negotiable <<< 譲渡
譲渡出来ない: joutodekinai: non-transferable, untransferable, inalienable <<< 譲渡
理解出来る: rikaidekiru: comprehensible <<< 理解
抑制出来ない: yokuseidekinai: uncontrollable, beyond [out of] control <<< 抑制
取消の出来る: torikeshinodekiru: revocable <<< 取消
取消の出来ない: torikeshinodekinai: irrevocable, beyond recall <<< 取消
笑窪が出来る: ekubogadekiru: dimple (v.) <<< 笑窪
check also: 結果


pronunciation: dekiai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: dotage
溺愛する: dekiaisuru: dote upon, love passionately


pronunciation: dekishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: [death by] drowning
溺死する: dekishisuru: be [get] drowned; drown
溺死させる: dekishisaseru: drown sb.
溺死者: dekishisha: drowned person <<<
溺死体: dekishitai: drowned body <<<


pronunciation: dekoboko
kanji characters: ,
translation: unevenness
凸凹の: dekobokono: uneven, rough, bumpy, rugged
凸凹を無くす: dekobokoonakusu: flatten, equalize, equate, smooth, level <<<
凸凹道: dekobokomichi: uneven path <<<


pronunciation: denchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: (electric) battery, cell
電池が切れる: denchigakireru: The battery is empty <<<
電池を充電する: denchiojuudensuru: charge the battery <<< 充電
乾電池: kandenchi: (dry) battery <<<
蓄電池: chikudenchi: accumulator, storage battery <<<
太陽電池: taiyoudenchi: solar battery <<< 太陽
燃料電池: nenryoudenchi: fuel cell <<< 燃料
二次電池: nijidenchi: secondary battery <<< 二次
ボタン電池: botandenchi: (button-shaped) mercury cell [battery] <<< ボタン
check also: バッテリー


pronunciation: denchuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity , town
translation: utility [telegraph, telephone] pole


pronunciation: dendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: electric drive
電動の: dendouno: electrically powered, electromotive
電動機: dendouki: electric motor <<<
電動力: dendouryoku: electromotive force (power) <<<
電動発電機: dendouhatsudenki: motor generator

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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39