Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 細工,最強,催眠,債務,災難,才能,歳入,再来,祭礼,最良

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Direct access: 細工 , 最強 , 催眠 , 債務 , 災難 , 才能 , 歳入 , 再来 , 祭礼 , 最良


pronunciation: saiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics , decoration
translation: workmanship, handiwork, manipulation
細工する: saikusuru: tool (v.), work detail, manipulate
細工が良い: saikugaii: be of good workmanship <<<
細工が悪い: saikugawarui: be of bad workmanship <<<
細工場: saikuba: workshop, workroom <<< , アトリエ
細工人: saikunin: worker, artisan <<<
貝細工: kaizaiku: shellwork <<<
手細工: tezaiku: handwork <<<
籐細工: touzaiku: rattan work
竹細工: takezaiku: bamboo work <<<
不細工な: busaikuna: awkward, clumsy, badly-made, plain-looking, homely <<<
格子細工: koushizaiku: latticework, latticing <<< 格子
麦藁細工: mugiwarazaiku: straw fancy goods, straw-work <<< 麦藁
翡翠細工: hisuizaiku: jade (work) <<< 翡翠
粘土細工: nendozaiku: clay works <<< 粘土
象牙細工: zougezaiku: ivory carving, ivory work <<< 象牙
宝石細工: housekizaiku: jewelry, jewellery <<< 宝石
針金細工: hariganezaiku: wirework <<< 針金
水晶細工: suishouzaiku: crystal ware <<< 水晶
真鍮細工: shinchuuzaiku: brasswork <<< 真鍮
貝殻細工: kaigarazaiku: shell-work <<< 貝殻
轆轤細工: rokurozaiku: turnery <<< 轆轤
石膏細工: sekkouzaiku: plasterwork <<< 石膏
ブリキ細工: burikizaiku: tinware <<< ブリキ
check also: 工作 , 絡繰


pronunciation: saikyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: the strongest
最強の: saikyouno: strongest (a.)
synonyms: 無敵


pronunciation: saimin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: hypnotism, mesmerism
催眠術: saiminjutsu <<<
催眠術に掛かる: saiminjutsunikakaru: be hypnotized, be mesmerized <<<
催眠術を掛ける: saiminjutsuokakeru: hypnotize [mesmerize] (a person) <<<
催眠術を施す: saiminjutsuohodokosu <<<
催眠術師: saiminjutsushi: hypnotist, mesmerist <<<
催眠術治療: saiminjutsuchiryou: hypnotherapy <<< 治療
催眠治療: saiminchiryou
催眠状態: saiminjoutai: hypnotic state, hypnosis <<< 状態
催眠状態の人: saiminjoutainohito: hypnotic (person) <<<
催眠状態から覚ます: saiminjoutaikarasamasu: dehypnotize <<<
自己催眠: jikosaimin: autohypnosis <<< 自己
check also: 睡眠


pronunciation: saimu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: debt, obligation, liabilities
債務が有る: saimugaaru: owe <<<
債務を果たす: saimuohatasu: settle one's debt, discharge [meet] one's obligations <<<
債務者: saimusha: debtor, obligor <<<
債務国: saimukoku: debtor nation <<<
債務不履行: saimuhurikou: default of obligations
債務担保証券: saimutanposhouken: CDO, Collateralized Debt Obligation <<< 証券
連帯債務: rentaisaimu: joint debt <<< 連帯
抵当債務: teitousaimu: mortgage debt <<< 抵当
金銭債務: kinsensaimu: money debt <<< 金銭
保証債務: hoshousaimu: suretyship obligations <<< 保証
synonyms: 負債 , 借金


pronunciation: sainan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: mischief, misfortune, calamity, disaster, accident
災難に遭う: sainannniau: meet with a misfortune <<<
災難を免れる: sainannomanugareru: escape a disaster <<<
災難続き: sainantsuZuki: series of accidents [misfortunes], run of ill luck <<<
check also: 災害 , 災禍


pronunciation: sainou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: talent, gift, genius
才能の有る: sainounoaru: talented, gifted, able <<<
才能の無い: sainounonai: ungifted, unable <<<
才能を伸ばす: sainouonobasu: develop one's talents <<<
才能を磨く: sainouomigaku <<<
才能を隠す: sainouokakusu: hide one's talents <<<
check also: 能力 , 力量


pronunciation: sainyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: annual revenue
antonyms: 歳出


pronunciation: sairai
kanji characters: ,
translation: second coming [advent]
冬の再来: huyunosairai: return of winter <<<


pronunciation: sairei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: festival, fete, rite, ritual
祭礼を行う: saireiookonau: hold a festival <<<
check also: 儀式


pronunciation: sairyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: the best
最良の: sairyouno: best (a.), finest, superior, supreme
最良の品: sairyounoshina: the best article [product] <<<
最良の葡萄酒: sairyounobudoushu: the best wine
最良のワイン: sairyounowain <<< ワイン

The displayed words on this page are 5987 - 5996 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39