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心身pronunciation: shinshinkanji characters: 心 , 身 keyword: health translation: body and soul, mind and body 心身共に: shinshintomoni: (be healthy) in body and mind <<< 共 心身を打ち込む: shinshinnouchikomu: devote oneself body and soul 心身症: shinshinshou: psychosomatic disease <<< 症 心身医学: shinshinnigaku: psychosomatic medicine <<< 医学 心身障害者: shinshinshougaisha: mentally and physically handicapped person 寝室pronunciation: shinshitsukanji characters: 寝 , 室 keyword: house translation: bedroom 浸食pronunciation: shinshokukanji characters: 浸 , 食 other spells: 浸蝕 keyword: geology translation: erosion 浸食する: shinshokusuru: erode, corrode, eat away 浸食性: shinshokusei: erosive <<< 性 浸食作用: shinshokusayou: erosion, erosive action <<< 作用 滲出pronunciation: shinshutsukanji characters: 滲 , 出 keyword: medicine translation: exudation 滲出する: shinshutsusuru: exude, ooze out, secrete 滲出性: shinshutsusei: exudative <<< 性 滲出性体質: shinshutsuseitaishitsu: exudative diathesis synonyms: 分泌
進出pronunciation: shinshutsukanji characters: 進 , 出 keyword: war translation: marching, advance, invasion, foray 進出する: shinshutsusuru: march out, advance (into), find one's way (into), launch (into), go into, invade synonyms: 前進 , 進撃 新卒pronunciation: shinsotsukanji characters: 新 , 卒 keyword: school translation: new graduate 新卒の: shinsotsuno: newly graduated 真相pronunciation: shinsoukanji characters: 真 , 相 translation: truth, true state [condition, phase], facts 真相を語る: shinsouokataru: say [speak] the truth <<< 語 真相を知らせる: shinsouoshiraseru: notify a person <<< 知 真相を明らかにする: shinsouoakirakanisuru: reveal [disclose] the truth <<< 明 真相を隠す: shinsouokakusu: hide [conceal] the truth <<< 隠 check also: 真実 浸水pronunciation: shinsuikanji characters: 浸 , 水 keyword: disaster translation: inundation, submersion 浸水する: shinsuisuru: be flooded, be inundated, be deluged, be submerged 浸水家屋: shinsuikaoku: flooded [inundated, submerged] houses <<< 家屋 浸水地域: shisuichiiki: flooded [inundated, submerged] districts [area] <<< 地域 synonyms: 冠水 身体pronunciation: shintaikanji characters: 身 , 体 keyword: body translation: body 身体の: shintaino: bodily, physical 身体検査: shintaikensa: medical checkup, physical examination, searching, body-search (n.) <<< 検査 身体検査をする: shintaikensaosuru: perform a medical examination, registrar a uno, body-search (v.) 身体検査を受ける: shintaikensaoukeru: undergo a medical checkup [physical examination], be searched <<< 受 身体障害: shintaishougai: physical handicap <<< 障害 , ハンディキャップ 身体障害者: shintaishougaisha: physically handicapped person <<< 者 信託pronunciation: shintakukanji characters: 信 , 託 keyword: finance translation: trust 信託の: shintakuno: fiduciary 信託する: shintakusuru: entrust 信託金: shintakukin: trust money <<< 金 信託者: shintakusha: truster <<< 者 非信託者: hishintakusha: trustee <<< 非 信託会社: shintakugaisha: trust company <<< 会社 信託資金: shintakushikin: trust fund <<< 資金 信託貯金: shintakuchokin: trust deposit <<< 貯金 信託貯金者: shintakuchokinsha: truster <<< 者 信託業務: shintakugyoumu: trust transaction <<< 業務 信託口座: shintakukouza: escrow [trust] account <<< 口座 信託財産: shintakuzaisan: estate in trust <<< 財産 信託統治: shintakutouchi: trusteeship <<< 統治 上場投資信託: joujoutoushishintaku: Exchange-Traded Fund, ETF <<< 上場 不動産投資信託: hudousantoushishintaku: reit, real estate investment trust <<< 不動産 投資信託: toushishintaku: investment trust <<< 投資
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