Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 私書,試食,師匠,支出,刺繍,始祖,子孫,歯槽,思想,湿疹

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Direct access: 私書 , 試食 , 師匠 , 支出 , 刺繍 , 始祖 , 子孫 , 歯槽 , 思想 , 湿疹


pronunciation: shisho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: private document [letter]
私書箱: shishobako: post-office box (POB.) <<<
私書函: shishobako
私書偽造: shishogizou: falsification of private documents <<< 偽造


pronunciation: shishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: gastronomy
translation: tasting, degustation
試食する: shishokusuru: taste, try, sample


pronunciation: shishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , sport
translation: master, instructor, teacher


pronunciation: shishutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: expenditure, expenses, outlay, payment
支出する: shishutsusuru: pay, expend, disburse
支出係: shishutsugakari: paying teller <<<
支出額: shishutsugaku: sum expended, expenditure <<<
支出簿: shishutsubo: accounts book, cash book <<< 簿
財政支出: zaiseishishutsu: financial expenditure <<< 財政
移転支出: itenshishutsu: transfer payments <<< 移転
金銭支出: kinsenshishutsu: financial expenditure <<< 金銭
個人消費支出: kojinshouhishishutsu: Personal Consumption Expenditure, PCE <<< 個人
check also: 支払 , 出金


pronunciation: shishuu
kanji characters:
keyword: clothes
translation: embroidery, clock
刺繍する: shishuusuru: embroider
刺繍した: shishuushita: embroidered
刺繍糸: shishuuito: embroidery thread <<<
刺繍台: shishuudai: embroidery frame <<<
刺繍針: shishuubari: embroidery needle <<<
刺繍品: shishuuhin: embroidered work <<<
刺繍製品: shishuuseihin <<< 製品


pronunciation: shiso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: prehistory
translation: ancestor, forebear, founder, initiator, originator
始祖鳥: shisochou: archaeopteryx <<<
check also: 先祖 , 開祖


pronunciation: shison
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: descendent, offspring
antonyms: 先祖


pronunciation: shisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: socket of a tooth, alveolus
歯槽膿漏: shisounourou: alveolar pyorrhea


pronunciation: shisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , philosophy
translation: thought, thinking, idea, ideology
思想家: shisouka: philosopher, thinker <<<
思想犯: shisouhan: political offender <<<
思想界: shisoukai: realm of thought <<<
思想力: shisouryoku: contemplative faculty <<<
思想問題: shisoumondai: thought problem <<< 問題
思想運動: shisouundou: thought movement <<< 運動
思想統制: shisoutousei: thought control
旧思想: kyuushisou: old thought, archaic conception <<<
反動思想: handoushisou: reactionary idea <<< 反動
封建思想: houkenshisou: feudalistic idea <<< 封建
啓蒙思想: keimoushisou: Enlightenment philosophy <<< 啓蒙
革命思想: kakumeishisou: revolutionary idea <<< 革命
外来思想: gairaishisou: alien idea <<< 外来
近代思想: kindaishisou: modern thought <<< 近代
現代思想: gendaishisou: modern ideas, contemporary thought <<< 現代
危険思想: kikenshisou: dangerous thoughts <<< 危険
大陸思想: tairikushisou: continentalism <<< 大陸
東洋思想: touyoushisou: Orientalism <<< 東洋
過激思想: kagekishisou: radical [revolutionary] idea <<< 過激
西洋思想: seiyoushisou: western ideology <<< 西洋
時代思想: jidaishisou: spirit [current thought] of the times <<< 時代
check also: イデオロギー


pronunciation: shisshin
kanji characters: 湿 ,
keyword: disease
translation: eczema, moist [humid] tetter

The displayed words on this page are 6867 - 6876 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39