Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 常態,上達,譲渡,上等,常套,条約,情欲,常用,上手,除夜

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Direct access: 常態 , 上達 , 譲渡 , 上等 , 常套 , 条約 , 情欲 , 常用 , 上手 , 除夜


pronunciation: joutai
kanji characters: ,
translation: normal [ordinary] state, normality, normalcy
常態に復する: joutainihukusuru: be restored to normal conditions <<<
新常態: shinjoutai: new normal <<<


pronunciation: joutatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: improvement, progress (n.)
上達する: joutatsusuru: improve, progress (v.)
上達が早い: joutatsugahayai: make rapid progress <<<
上達が遅い: joutatsugaosoi: make slow progress <<<


pronunciation: jouto
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: transfer (n.), alienation, negotiation, assignment, conveyance, disposal
譲渡する: joutosuru: transfer (v.), alienate, negotiate
譲渡人: joutonin: transferor, assignor, grantor <<<
被譲渡人: hijoutonin: transferee, assignee <<<
譲渡出来る: joutodekiru: transferable, alienable, negotiable <<< 出来
譲渡出来ない: joutodekinai: non-transferable, untransferable, inalienable
譲渡価格: joutokakaku: transfer price <<< 価格
譲渡代価: joutodaika <<< 代価
譲渡所得: joutoshotoku: capital gains <<< 所得
譲渡証書: joutoshousho: deed of transfer <<< 証書
債権譲渡: saikenjouto: assignment of a claim <<< 債権
財産譲渡: zaisanjouto: conveyance of estate <<< 財産
生前譲渡: seizenjouto: advancement (of inheritance) <<< 生前
権利を譲渡する: kenriojoutosuru: transfer [hand over] the right <<< 権利


pronunciation: joutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: advertisement
translation: superior quality, excellence
上等の: joutouno: good, fine, of superior quality, excellent
上等な: joutouna
上等品: joutouhin: article of superior quality <<<
上等席: joutouseki: first class seat <<<
上等兵: joutouhei: private first class <<< , 伍長
上等水兵: joutousuihei: seaman
synonyms: 上質
check also: 一等


pronunciation: joutou
kanji characters:
translation: truism, commonplace, platitude, banality
常套語: joutougo: stock phrase <<<
常套句: joutouku: hackneyed expression <<<
常套手段: joutoushudan: worn-out measure, old trick, usual method <<< 手段


pronunciation: jouyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: treaty, agreement, pact, convention
条約を結ぶ: jouyakuomusubu: conclude a treaty <<<
条約を締結する: jouyakuoteiketsusuru <<< 締結
条約を破る: jouyakuoyaburu: break a treaty <<<
条約を守る: jouyakuomamoru: observe a treaty <<<
条約を犯す: jouyakuookasu: violate a treaty <<<
条約国: jouyakukoku: signatory state <<<
条約案: jouyakuan: treaty draft, protocol <<<
条約原案: jouyakugennan
条約批准: jouyakuhijun: ratification of a treaty
条約改正: jouyakukaisei: revision of a treaty, treaty revision <<< 改正
条約調印: jouyakuchouin: signing of a treaty <<< 調印
友好条約: yuukoujouyaku: treaty of friendship <<< 友好
秘密条約: himitsujouyaku: secret treaty <<< 秘密
平和条約: heiwajouyaku: peace treaty <<< 平和
休戦条約: kyuusenjouyaku: treaty of truce [armistice] <<< 休戦
同盟条約: doumeijouyaku: treaty of alliance <<< 同盟
神奈川条約: kanagawajouyaku: Kanagawa Treaty, Convention of Kanagawa <<< 神奈川
安全保障条約: anzenhoshoujouyaku: security pact <<< 安全
バーゼル条約: baazerujouyaku: Basel Convention <<< バーゼル
ワルシャワ条約: warushawajouyaku: Warsaw Treaty <<< ワルシャワ
ジュネーブ条約: juneebujouyaku: Geneva Conventions <<< ジュネーブ
リスボン条約: risubonjouyaku: Treaty of Lisbon <<< リスボン
ウィーン条約: wiinjouyaku: Treaty of Vienna <<< ウィーン
ベルダン条約: berudanjouyaku: Treaty of Verdun (843) <<< ベルダン
ユネスコ条約: yunesukojouyaku: UNESCO treaty <<< ユネスコ
ワシントン条約: washintonjouyaku: Washington Treaty <<< ワシントン
check also: 協定


pronunciation: jouyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sex
translation: sensual [carnal, sexual] desire, lust
情欲の虜: jouyokunotoriko: slave of passion <<<
情欲の奴隷: jouyokunodorei <<< 奴隷
情欲を抑える: jouyokuoosaeru: control [restrain] one's sexual desires <<<
情欲を抑制する: jouyokuoyokuseisuru <<< 抑制
check also: 欲情 , 欲望


pronunciation: jouyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , grammar
translation: ordinary use, habitual use, addiction, dependence
常用の: jouyouno: in ordinary use
常用する: jouyousuru: use regularly
常用者: jouyousha: habitual user, addict <<<
常用語: jouyougo: common words <<<
常用漢字: jouyoukanji: commonly used Chinese characters in Japan <<< 漢字
常用対数: jouyoutaisuu: common logarithms <<< 対数


pronunciation: jouzu
kanji characters: ,
translation: good hand, expert (in, at), skill, dexterity, proficiency, compliment
上手な: jouzuna: skillful, skilled, dexterous, expert (a.), adroit
上手に: jouzuni: skillfully, dexterously, well, ably
上手である: jouzudearu: be skillful (skilled, proficient),be good (clever) at
演技が上手い: engigaumai: be a good actor, perform well <<< 演技
演技が上手: engaigajouzu: be a good actor, perform well <<< 演技
着付が上手: kitsukegajouzu: dress oneself well <<< 着付
言回しの上手い: iimawashinoumai: be articulate <<< 言回し
裁縫が上手い: saihougaumai: be clever in sewing <<< 裁縫
商売が上手い: shoubaigaumai: be of a business turn, have a commercial spirit <<< 商売
synonyms: 器用
antonyms: 下手


pronunciation: joya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: New Year's Eve
除夜の鐘: joyanokane: watch-night bell <<<

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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39