Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 銀貨,銀行,銀色,技能,銀座,儀礼,義理,議論,犠牲,技師

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Direct access: 銀貨 , 銀行 , 銀色 , 技能 , 銀座 , 儀礼 , 義理 , 議論 , 犠牲 , 技師


pronunciation: ginka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: silver coin
銀貨本位: ginkahonni: silver (specie) standard
check also: 金貨


pronunciation: ginkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: bank
銀行家: ginkouka: banker <<<
銀行員: ginkouin: bank clerk [employee] <<<
銀行業: ginkougyou: banking <<<
銀行券: ginkouken: bank note [bill] <<<
銀行株: ginkoukabu: bank stocks <<<
銀行通帳: ginkoutsuuchou: bankbook <<< 通帳
銀行取引: ginkoutorihiki: bank transaction <<< 取引
銀行手形: ginkoutegata: bank draft <<< 手形
銀行小切手: ginkoukogitte: bank check <<< 小切手
銀行口座: ginkoukouza: bank account <<< 口座
銀行貯金: ginkouchokin: bank deposit <<< 貯金
銀行振込: ginkouhurikomi: (pay by) bank transfer, pay into a person's bank account <<< 振込
銀行利子: ginkourishi: bank interest <<< 利子
銀行頭取: ginkoutoudori: general manager of a bank <<< 頭取
銀行強盗: ginkougoutou: bank robbery <<< 強盗
影の銀行: kagenoginkou: shadow bank <<<
血液銀行: ketsuekiginkou: blood bank <<< 血液
国立銀行: kokuritsuginkou: national bank <<< 国立
開発銀行: kaihatsuginkou: development bank <<< 開発
貯蓄銀行: chochikuginkou: savings bank <<< 貯蓄
相互銀行: sougoginkou: mutual (financing) bank <<< 相互
取引銀行: torihikiginkou: one's bank, correspondent bank <<< 取引
組合銀行: kumiaiginkou: associated bank <<< 組合
中央銀行: chuuouginkou: central bank <<< 中央
信用銀行: shinnyouginkou: credit bank <<< 信用
三菱銀行: mitsubishiginkou: Mitsubishi Bank <<< 三菱
世界銀行: sekaiginkou: World Bank <<< 世界
特殊銀行: tokushuginkou: chartered [special] bank <<< 特殊


pronunciation: ginniro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: color
translation: silver color
銀色の: ginnirono: silver-colored


pronunciation: ginou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , sport
translation: skill, ability, talent
技能の有る: ginounoaru: skilled, able, talented <<<
技能賞: ginoushou: prize for superior skill (in Sumo) <<<
技能オリンピック: ginouorinpikku: Worldskills Competition <<< オリンピック
synonyms: 腕前 , 技術


pronunciation: ginza
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Ginza (a district of Chuo Ward, Tokyo)
銀座腺: ginzasen: Ginza Line (a metro line of Tokyo) <<<
check also: Ginza


pronunciation: girei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: protocol, courtesy
儀礼的: gireiteki: formal <<<
儀礼的訪問: gireitekihoumon: formal [courtesy] call <<< 訪問
外交儀礼: gaikougirei: protocol <<< 外交


pronunciation: giri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: obligation, duty, justice
義理堅い: girigatai: having a strong sense of duty, faithful, conscientious <<<
義理を欠く: giriokaku: having no sense of duty, ungrateful, thankless <<<
義理を立てる: giriotateru: do one's duty (by a friend) <<<
義理の娘: girinomusume: daughter-in-law, stepdaughter <<<
義理の息子: girinomusuko: son-in-law, stepson <<< 息子
義理の姉妹: girinoshimai: sister-in-law, stepsister <<< 姉妹
義理の兄弟: girinokyoudai: brother-in-law, stepbrother <<< 兄弟 , 義兄 , 義弟
義理の母: girinohaha: mother-in-law, stepmother <<< ,
義理の母親: girinohahaoya <<< 母親
義理の父: girinochichi: father-in-law, stepfather <<< ,
義理の父親: girinochichioya <<< 父親


pronunciation: giron
kanji characters: ,
translation: argument, discussion, debate (n.), dispute, controversy
議論する: gironsuru: argue (with a person about a matter), discuss (a matter), debate (on), dispute (about, on), contend (about)
議論好きな: gironzukina: argumentative, disputatious <<<
議論に勝つ: gironnnikatsu: have [get] the best of an argument, outargue (a person) <<<
議論に負ける: gironnnimakeru: be defeated in argument, have [get] the worst of an argument <<<
議論の余地が無い: gironnnoyochiganai: It admits of no discussion, It is beyond dispute [question]
活発な議論: kappatsunagiron: animated discussion <<< 活発
活発に議論する: kappatsunigironsuru: actively discuss <<< 活発
check also: 審議


pronunciation: gisei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , disaster
translation: sacrifice (n.), immolation
犠牲にする: giseinisuru: sacrifice (v.), immolate
犠牲に供する: giseinikyousuru <<<
犠牲を払う: giseioharau: make sacrifices <<<
犠牲に成る: giseininaru: be sacrificed, fall a victim <<<
犠牲的: giseiteki: self-sacrificing, abnegation <<<
犠牲的精神: giseitekiseishin: self-sacrificing spirit <<< 精神
犠牲祭: giseisai: Eid al-Adha, feast of sacrifice <<<
犠牲打: giseida: sacrifice hit (in baseball) <<<
犠牲者: giseisha: victim, prey <<<
犠牲フライ: giseihurai: sacrifice fly (in baseball) <<< フライ
synonyms: 生贄 , 献身


pronunciation: gishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: engineer, technologist
技師長: gishichou: chief engineer <<<
機械技師: kikaigishi: mechanical engineer <<< 機械
顧問技師: komongishi: consulting engineer <<< 顧問
鉱山技師: kouzangishi: mining engineer <<< 鉱山
無線技師: musengishi: radio [wireless] operator <<< 無線
土木技師: dobokugishi: civil engineer <<< 土木
撮影技師: satsueigishi: film operator, cameraperson, cameraman <<< 撮影
建築技師: kenchikugishi: architect <<< 建築
測量技師: sokuryougishi: surveying engineer <<< 測量
電気技師: denkigishi: electrical engineer, electrician <<< 電気
映写技師: eishagishi: movie operator <<< 映写
主任技師: shuningishi: chief engineer <<< 主任
造船技師: zousengishi: naval [marine] engineer <<< 造船
レントゲン技師: rentogengishi: radiographer <<< レントゲン

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