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kanji characters: 一 , 面 keyword: position translation: whole surface, one side, an aspect, a phase, the front page 一面に: ichimennni: all over check also: 全面 一目
kanji characters: 一 , 目 other spells: 1目 keyword: unit , game translation: a glance, a stone (of go game), a point 一目置く: ichimokuoku: yield the palm (to), rate a person superior to oneself <<< 置 一目瞭然: ichimokuryouzen: be clear at a glance 一目均衡表: ichimokukinkouhyou: Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (a financial chart) 一目散に: ichimokusannni: at full speed <<< 散 一目散に逃げる: ichimokusannninigeru: take to one's heels, run (away) for one's life <<< 逃 一目で: hitomede: at a glance 一目で解る: hitomedewakaru: understand at a glance <<< 解 一目見る: hitomemiru: have a glimpse of, sneak a peek <<< 見 一目惚れ: hitomebore: love at first sight <<< 惚 一目惚れする: hitomeboresuru: fall in love at first sight check also: 囲碁 一年
kanji characters: 一 , 年 other spells: 1年 keyword: calendar translation: a [one] year 一年毎に: ichinengotoni: year by [after] year, yearly <<< 毎 一年置きに: ichinenokini: every other [second] year, biennially <<< 置 一年中: ichinenjuu: all the year round <<< 中 , 年中 一年目: ichinenme: the first year <<< 目 一年生: ichinensei: first-year-grade boy [girl], freshman <<< 生 一年生植物: ichinenseishokubutsu: annual plant <<< 植物 一年草: ichinensou <<< 草 一年に一度: ichinennniichido: once a year <<< 一度 一日
kanji characters: 一 , 日 other spells: 1日 keyword: calendar translation: a single day, one day, the whole day, all day long, the first day 一日で: ichinichide: in one day 一日置きに: ichinichiokini: every other day <<< 置 一日に付き: ichinichinitsuki: a day, in a day <<< 付 一日中: ichinichijuu: all day long <<< 中 一日一日と: ichinichiichinichito: day by [after] day, daily 一日の仕事: ichinichinoshigoto: day's work <<< 仕事 良い一日を: yoiichinichio: Have a nice day! <<< 良 十年一日: juunennichijitsu: without any change for long years <<< 十年 check also: 毎日
kanji characters: 一 , 応 other spells: 一往 translation: once, first, for the present, generally 一応考えた上: ichioukangaetaue: after consideration 一応目を通す: ichioumeotoosu: run [look] through 今一応: imaichiou: once more <<< 今 一覧
kanji characters: 一 , 覧 keyword: book translation: look (n.), glance, reading, summary, epitome 一覧する: ichiransuru: have a look (at), glance through 一覧表: ichiranhyou: list <<< 表 , リスト 一覧後: ichirango: after sight <<< 後 一覧払い: ichiranbarai: payable at a sight <<< 払 一覧払い手形: ichiranbaraitegata: sight bill [draft], bill payable at a sight <<< 手形 一連
kanji characters: 一 , 連 translation: a ream, a series, a chain 一連の: ichirennno: a ream of, a series of, a chain of 一理
kanji characters: 一 , 理 translation: some reason 一理ある: ichiriaru: There is some reason 一輪
kanji characters: 一 , 輪 keyword: flower , transport translation: a (single) flower, a wheel 一輪の: ichirinnno: single-flowered, single-wheeled 一輪挿し: ichirinzashi: single-flower vase <<< 挿 一輪車: ichirinsha: monocycle, unicycle, wheelbarrow <<< 車 一流
kanji characters: 一 , 流 translation: first class [order], uniqueness, peculiarity 一流の: ichiryuuno: of the first class [order], top-notch, unique, peculiar 一流校: ichiryuukou: prestigious school <<< 校 一流企業: ichiryuukigyou: first-rate [blue-ribbon] corporation <<< 企業 一流ブランド: ichiryuuburando: name brand <<< ブランド check also: 一等
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