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全員pronunciation: zenninkanji characters: 全 , 員 keyword: transport translation: all the members, entire staff, crew 全員一致: zenninnitchi: unanimity <<< 一致 全員一致の: zenninnitchino: unanimous 全員一致で: zenninnitchide: unanimously, with one voice 前夜pronunciation: zennyakanji characters: 前 , 夜 keyword: calendar translation: previous night, eve, last night 前夜祭: zennyazai: eve <<< 祭 クリスマス前夜: kurisumasuzennya: Christmas Eve <<< クリスマス synonyms: 昨夜 , イヴ 全般pronunciation: zenpankanji characters: 全 , 般 translation: the whole 全般的: zenpanteki: general, overall <<< 的 全般の: zenpannno 全般に渡って: zenpannniwatatte: generally <<< 渡 check also: 一般 前編pronunciation: zenpenkanji characters: 前 , 編 keyword: literature translation: prequel, backplay, the first part [volume] of the preceding section
前方pronunciation: zenpoukanji characters: 前 , 方 keyword: position , war translation: front (n.) 前方の: zenpouno: front (a.), in front, at the front 前方に: zenpouni: ahead, in front (of), forward 前方へ: zenpoue: ahead, forward 前方を見よ: zenpouomiyo: Look ahead <<< 見 check also: 後方 前例pronunciation: zenreikanji characters: 前 , 例 translation: precedent (n.), previous instance 前例に無い: zenreininai: unprecedented <<< 無 全輪pronunciation: zenrinkanji characters: 全 , 輪 keyword: transport , car translation: whole wheels 全輪駆動: zenrinkudou: four wheel drive <<< 駆動 check also: 前輪 前輪pronunciation: zenrinkanji characters: 前 , 輪 keyword: car translation: front wheel 前輪駆動: zenrinkudou: front drive <<< 駆動 antonyms: 後輪 check also: 全輪 前立腺pronunciation: zenritsusenkanji characters: 前 , 立 , 腺 keyword: organs translation: prostate gland 前立腺の: zenritsusennno: prostate (a.) 前立腺炎: zenritsusennen: prostatitis <<< 炎 前立腺肥大: zenritsusenhidai: enlargement of the prostate gland <<< 肥大 全力pronunciation: zenryokukanji characters: 全 , 力 keyword: sport , transport translation: all one's strength 全力で: zenryokude: at one's best, at full power, at full throttle 全力を尽くす: zenryokuotsukusu: do one's best <<< 尽 全力を注ぐ: zenryokuososogu: devote oneself to something, put all one's energies <<< 注 全力疾走: zenryokushissou: sprint (n.), spurt, full throttle
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