Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 油脂,輸出,輸送,友愛,優美,郵便,悠長,夕立,雄大,勇断

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Direct access: 油脂 , 輸出 , 輸送 , 友愛 , 優美 , 郵便 , 悠長 , 夕立 , 雄大 , 勇断


pronunciation: yushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: oils and fats
油脂工業: yushikougyou: oil and fats industry <<< 工業


pronunciation: yushutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: export (n.), exportation
輸出する: yushutsusuru: export (v.)
輸出税: yushutsuzei: export duties <<<
輸出額: yushutsugaku: exports, amount of export <<<
輸出港: yushutsukou: export port <<<
輸出品: yushutsuhin: exports, exported goods <<<
輸出業: yushutsugyou: export business (trade) <<<
輸出商: yushutsushou: exporter, export trader <<<
輸出業者: yushutsugyousha <<< 業者
輸出割当: yushutsuwariate: export quota <<< 割当
輸出手形: yushutsutegata: export bill <<< 手形
プラント輸出: purantoyushutsu: export of facilities <<< プラント
check also: 輸入


pronunciation: yusou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: transport (n.), transportation, conveyance
輸送する: yusousuru: transport (v.), convey, carry
輸送中: yusouchuu: in transit, on the way <<<
輸送機: yusouki: transport plane, sky truck <<<
輸送船: yusousen: transport ship, troopship <<<
輸送量: yusouryou: volume of traffic <<<
輸送力: yusouryoku: transport capacity, carrying power <<<
輸送手段: yusoushudan: means of transport <<< 手段
輸送機関: yusoukikan <<< 機関
輸送船団: yusousendan: convoy <<< 船団
陸上輸送: rikujouyusou: overland transportation <<< 陸上
軍隊輸送: guntaiyusou: military transport <<< 軍隊
高速輸送: kousokuyusou: high-speed transport <<< 高速
鉄道輸送: tetsudouyusou: railway transportation <<< 鉄道
海上輸送: kaijouyusou: marine transportation <<< 海上
河川輸送: kasennyusou: river transport [transportation] <<< 河川
貨物輸送: kamotsuyusou: freight transport <<< 貨物
複合輸送: hukugouyusou: combined transportation <<< 複合
旅客輸送: ryokakuyusou: passenger transportation <<< 旅客
コンテナ輸送: kontenayusou: containerization <<< コンテナ
コンテナ輸送する: kontenayusousuru: containerize <<< コンテナ
トラック輸送: torakkuyusou: trucking <<< トラック
check also: 運輸 , 運送


pronunciation: yuuai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: friendship, fellowship, fraternity
友愛結婚: yuuaikekkon: companionate marriage <<< 結婚


pronunciation: yuubi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: grace, elegance
優美な: yuubina: graceful, elegant <<< エレガント
check also: 優雅 , 秀麗 , エレガンス


pronunciation: yuubin
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: transport , communication
translation: post, mail
郵便の: yuubinnno: postal
郵便で: yuubinde: by mail (post)
郵便箱: yuubinbako: postbox, mailbox <<<
郵便局: yuubinkyoku: post office <<<
郵便局員: yuubinkyokuin: mail [mailing, postal] clerk <<<
郵便局長: yuubinkyokuchou: postmaster <<< 局長
郵便料: yuubinryou: postage, postal charges <<<
郵便料金: yuubinryoukin <<< 料金
郵便貯金: yuubinchokin: postal savings <<< 貯金
郵便番号: yuubinbangou: postcode, zip code <<< 番号
郵便為替: yuubinkawase: postal order, money order <<< 為替
郵便配達: yuubinhaitatsu: postal delivery, postman <<< 配達
郵便小包: yuubinkoZutsumi: parcel post <<< 小包
郵便葉書: yuubinhagaki: postal card, postcard <<< 葉書
郵便ポスト: yuubinposuto: pillar box, mailbox, letter drop <<< ポスト
速達郵便: sokutatsuyuubin: special delivery mail, express delivery post <<< 速達
書留郵便: kakitomeyuubin: registered letter <<< 書留
小包郵便: koZutsumiyuubin: parcel post <<< 小包
年賀郵便: nengayuubin: New Year's mail <<< 年賀
普通郵便: hutsuuyuubin: ordinary mail [post] <<< 普通
check also: 手紙 , メール


pronunciation: yuuchou
kanji characters: ,
translation: slowness, easiness
悠長な: yuuchouna: leisurely, slow, easy
悠長に構える: yuuchounikamaeru: take things easy <<<


pronunciation: yuudachi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: rain shower
夕立が来る: yuudachigakuru: There is a shower coming <<<
夕立に遭う: yuudachiniau: be caught in [overtaken by] a shower <<<
synonyms: 通り雨
check also: 雷雨


pronunciation: yuudai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: magnificence, splendor
雄大な: yuudaina: magnificent, splendid, imposing
雄大な眺め: yuudainanagame: magnificent view, grand sight <<<


pronunciation: yuudan
kanji characters: ,
translation: manly decision, decisive measure [step]
勇断を下す: yuudannokudasu: make a decisive step <<<

The displayed words on this page are 8555 - 8564 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39