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kanji characters: 監 , 督 keyword: sport , movie translation: supervision, direction, management, superintendence, custody, supervisor, director, bishop, manager, superintendent 監督する: kantokusuru: supervise, direct, manage, superintend 監督官庁: kantokukanchou: competent authorities <<< 官庁 監督教会: kantokukyoukai: episcopal church <<< 教会 監督機関: kantokukikan: supervisory body <<< 機関 土木監督: dobokukantoku: foreman, chief worker, master workman, work master <<< 土木 工事監督: koujikantoku: foreman <<< 工事 撮影監督: satsueikantoku: movie director <<< 撮影 舞台監督: butaikantoku: stage director <<< 舞台 映画監督: eigakantoku: (movie) director <<< 映画 現場監督: genbakantoku: field overseer <<< 現場 check also: 演出 巻頭
kanji characters: 巻 , 頭 keyword: book translation: beginning of a book, opening page of a book 巻頭に: kantouni: at the beginning of a book, on [in, at] the opening page of a book 巻頭の辞: kantounoji: foreword <<< 辞 , 前書 , 序文 巻頭論文: kantouronbun: opening article (of a journal) <<< 論文 敢闘
kanji characters: 敢 , 闘 keyword: sport translation: bravery, courage 敢闘する: kantousuru: fight bravely [courageously], fight a gallant fight 敢闘賞: kantoushou: fighting-spirit prize <<< 賞 敢闘精神: kantousenshin: fighting spirit <<< 精神 synonyms: 勇気 関東
kanji characters: 関 , 東 keyword: japan translation: Kanto region (region surrounding Tokyo that includes 6 prefectures ie. Iabaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa) 関東地方: kantouchihou <<< 地方 関東大震災: kantoudaishinsai: Great Kanto earthquake (in 1923) 関東州: kantoushuu: Kwantung Leased Territory (Russian-leased in 1898–1905 then Japanese-leased in 1905–1945) <<< 州 ![]() antonyms: 関西
kanji characters: 姦 , 通 keyword: crime , sex translation: illicit intercourse, adultery 姦通する: kantsuusuru: commit adultery (with), have illicit intercourse (with) 姦通者: kantsuusha: adulterer, adulteress (f.) <<< 者 姦通罪: kantsuuzai: adultery <<< 罪 check also: 不倫 貫通
kanji characters: 貫 , 通 keyword: weapon translation: penetration, perforation 貫通する: kantsuusuru: penetrate, shoot [go] through, pass [go] through, pierce, perforate 緩和
kanji characters: 緩 , 和 keyword: politics , drug translation: relaxation, softening, mitigation, alleviation, easing 緩和する: kanwasuru: relax, soften, mitigate, alleviate, ease 緩和策: kanwasaku: alleviating measure <<< 策 緩和剤: kanwazai: alleviative <<< 剤 緩和マネー: kanwamanee: easy money <<< マネー 緩和マネー政策: kanwamaneeseisaku: easy money policy <<< 政策 規制緩和: kiseikanwa: deregulation <<< 規制 check also: 減 加入
kanji characters: 加 , 入 keyword: communication translation: joining, entry, subscription 加入する: kanyuusuru: enter, join, become a member of, subscribe 加入金: kanyuukin: entrance [membership] fee <<< 金 加入者: kanyuusha: member, subscriber <<< 者 加入申込: kanyuumoushikomi: application for admission, subscription <<< 申込 組合に加入する: kumiainikanyuusuru: join an association <<< 組合 check also: 加盟 , 入会 関税
kanji characters: 関 , 税 keyword: politics , economy translation: customs duty, customs, tariff 関税の掛かる: kanzeinokakaru: dutiable, customable <<< 掛 関税の掛からない: kanzeinokakaranai: duty-free, tax-free 関税を課する: kanzeiokasuru: levy [impose] a duty <<< 課 関税率: kanzeiritsu: tariff rate, customs tariff <<< 率 関税局: kanzeikyoku: customs bureau <<< 局 関税吏: kanzeiri: customs officer <<< 吏 関税壁: kanzeiheki: tariff wall [barrier] <<< 壁 関税障壁: kanzeishouheki 関税申告: kanzeishinkoku: customs declaration <<< 申告 関税改正: kanzeikaisei: customs reform <<< 改正 関税協定: kanzeikyoutei: tariff agreement, customs convention <<< 協定 関税同盟: kanzeidoumei: customs union <<< 同盟 差別関税: sabetsukanzei: discriminating tariff <<< 差別 通過関税: tsuukakanzei: transit duty <<< 通過 保護関税: hogokanzei: protective duty <<< 保護 check also: 税関 , タックス 完全
kanji characters: 完 , 全 keyword: job , sport translation: completeness, perfection, entirety, integrity 完全な: kanzennna: complete (a.), perfect, entire, integral, outright 完全に: kanzennni: perfectly, thoroughly, outright (adv.), chock 完全にする: kanzennnisuru: complete (v.), perfect (v.) 完全に成る: kanzennninaru: become perfect [complete] <<< 成 完全無欠: kanzenmuketsu: impeccable, integral, flawless 完全雇用: kanzenkoyou: full employment <<< 雇用 完全操業: kanzensougyou: full operation <<< 操業 完全看護: kanzenkango: full assistance <<< 看護 完全燃焼: kanzennnenshou: perfect combustion <<< 燃焼 完全試合: kanzenshiai: perfect game <<< 試合 完全犯罪: kanzenhanzai: perfect crime <<< 犯罪 完全主義: kanzenshugi: perfectionism <<< 主義 完全主義者: kanzenshugisha: perfectionist <<< 者 不完全: hukanzen: imperfection <<< 不 不完全な: hukanzennna: imperfect, incomplete synonyms: 完璧
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