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危篤pronunciation: kitokukanji characters: 危 , 篤 keyword: medicine , life translation: critical illness 危篤の: kitokuno: dying, seriously ill, critical 危篤に陥る: kitokuniochiiru: fall into a dangerous condition <<< 陥 危篤状態: kitokujoutai: critical condition <<< 状態 check also: 臨終 気筒pronunciation: kitoukanji characters: 気 , 筒 keyword: car translation: cylinder 四気筒: yonkitou: four cylinders <<< 四 四気筒のモーター: yonkitounomootaa: four-cylinder engine <<< モーター 六気筒: rokkitou: six cylinders <<< 六 六気筒のモーター: rokkitounomootaa: six-cylinder engine <<< モーター check also: シリンダー 祈祷pronunciation: kitoukanji characters: 祈 keyword: religion translation: prayer 祈祷する: kitousuru: pray, say one's prayers, offer a prayer 神に祈祷する: kaminikitousuru: call on God <<< 神 祈祷師: kitoushi: faith curer, shaman, medicine man <<< 師 , シャマン 祈祷者: kitousha: prayer <<< 者 祈祷書: kitousho: prayer book <<< 書 祈祷療法: kitouryouhou: faith healing <<< 療法 喫煙pronunciation: kitsuenkanji characters: 喫 , 煙 keyword: amusement translation: smoking 喫煙する: kitsuensuru: smoke (tobacco, pipe), have a smoke 喫煙室: kitsuenshitsu: smoking room <<< 室 喫煙者: kitsuensha: smoker <<< 者 喫煙車: kitsuensha: smoking car <<< 車 喫煙所: kitsuensho: smoking lounge <<< 所 喫煙禁止: kitsuenkinshi: No smoking <<< 禁止 受動喫煙: judoukitsuen: passive smoking <<< 受動 check also: 煙草 , スモーキング
着付pronunciation: kitsukekanji characters: 着 , 付 keyword: clothes translation: fitting, dressing, one's manner of dress 着付が旨い: kitsukegaumai: dress oneself well <<< 旨 着付が上手: kitsukegajouzu <<< 上手 着付が拙い: kitsukegamazui: dress oneself badly <<< 拙 着付が下手: kitsukegaheta <<< 下手 着付をしてやる: kitsukeoshiteyaru: dress (v.) 着付を手伝う: kitsukeotetsudau: help dress herself <<< 手伝 着付師: kitsukeshi: dresser <<< 師 啄木鳥pronunciation: kitsutsukikanji characters: 啄 , 木 , 鳥 other spells: キツツキ keyword: bird translation: woodpecker 切手pronunciation: kittekanji characters: 切 , 手 keyword: amusement translation: (postage) stamp 切手を貼る: kitteoharu: stamp (v.), put a stamp <<< 貼 切手帳: kittechou: stamp album <<< 帳 切手収集: kitteshuushuu: stamp collection, philately <<< 収集 切手収集家: kitteshuushuuka: stamp collector, philatelist <<< 家 記念切手: kinenkitte: commemorative postage stamp <<< 記念 check also: 小切手 , 印紙 規約pronunciation: kiyakukanji characters: 規 , 約 keyword: law , business translation: agreement, contract 規約を結ぶ: kiyakuomusubu: make [enter into] an agreement [a contract] (with) <<< 結 規約を破る: kiyakuoyaburu: break an agreement [a contract] <<< 破 規約に従えば: kiyakunishitagaeba: according to the agreement [contract] <<< 従 組合規約: kumiaikiyaku: articles of association, union constitution <<< 組合 check also: 契約 気安いpronunciation: kiyasuikanji characters: 気 , 安 other spells: 気易い translation: ease of access 気安い相手: kiyasuiaite: person with whom one feels at ease <<< 相手 気安く: kiyasuku: without reserve, at ease synonyms: 気楽 気休めpronunciation: kiyasumekanji characters: 気 , 休 translation: (mere) consolation, lip comfort 気休めに: kiyasumeni: to ease one's mind, to relieve one's conscience 気休めを言う: kiyasumeoiu: speak mere soothing [consoling] words <<< 言
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