Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 実際,実績,実践,実施,実質,実習,自他,字体,自体,辞退

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Direct access: 実際 , 実績 , 実践 , 実施 , 実質 , 実習 , 自他 , 字体 , 自体 , 辞退


pronunciation: jissai
kanji characters: ,
translation: practice, actual condition, reality, truth, fact
実際の: jissaino: practical, actual, real, true
実際の所: jissainotokoro: to tell the truth, as it is <<<
実際に: jissaini: in practice, actually, in fact, truly, really, indeed, virtually, as a matter of fact, in reality
実際は: jissaiwa: in reality
実際的: jissaiteki: practical, matter-of-fact, down-to-earth <<<
実際的考え: jissaitekikangae: practical idea <<<
実際的知識: jissaitekichishiki: practical knowledge <<< 知識
実際家: jissaika: practical man <<<
実際教育: jissaikyouiku: practical instruction, object-lesson, visual instruction <<< 教育
実際問題: jissaimondai: practical question <<< 問題
実際価格: jissaikakaku: cash value <<< 価格
synonyms: 事実


pronunciation: jisseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: actual results, past records, business showings
実績を上げる: jissekioageru: bring about good results, give satisfactory results <<<
実績を挙げる: jissekioageru <<<
実績制: jissekisei: merit system <<<
check also: 結果 , 成績


pronunciation: jissen
kanji characters: ,
translation: practice (n.)
実践する: jissensuru: practice (v.), put in [into] practice
実践に移す: jissennniutsusu <<<
実践的: jissenteki: practical <<<
実践主義: jissenshugi: activism <<< 主義
実践道徳: jissendoutoku: practical morality <<< 道徳
実践倫理学: jissenrinrigaku: practical ethics
synonyms: 実行 , 実施


pronunciation: jisshi
kanji characters: ,
translation: practice (n.)
実施する: jisshisuru: carry out, perform, practice (v.)
実施される: jisshisareru: be enforced, take effect, come into force [operation]
実施に成る: jisshininaru <<<
実施案: jisshian: working plan <<<
synonyms: 実行 , 実践


pronunciation: jisshitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: substance, essence, quality
実質の無い: jisshitsunonai: unsubstantial, empty <<<
実質的な: jisshitsutekina: substantial, essential, material, actual <<<
実質的に: jisshitsutekini: substantially, essentially, materially, actually
実質所得: jisshitsushotoku: real income [wages] <<< 所得
実質賃金: jisshitsuchingin <<< 賃金


pronunciation: jisshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: (practical) exercise, practice (n.), training, drill
実習する: jisshuusuru: practice (v.), have (practical) training
実習中: jisshuuchuu: in training <<<
実習生: jisshuusei: student apprentice, intern, trainee <<<
実習時間: jisshuujikan: practice hours <<< 時間
臨海実習: rinkaijisshuu: marine practice <<< 臨海
synonyms: 訓練 , 修行


pronunciation: jita
kanji characters: ,
translation: oneself and others, subject and object
自他共に: jitatomonijitatomoni: commonly, universally, unanimously <<<
自他共に認める: jitatomonijitatomonimitomeru: be commonly acknowledged <<<
自他の関係: jitanokankei: relationship with others <<< 関係


pronunciation: jitai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: font, form of a character, handwriting, type
check also: 活字 , 書体


pronunciation: jitai
kanji characters: ,
translation: in fact, originally, in itself
物自体: monojitai: the thing itself, thing-in-itself <<<
其自体: sorejitai: in itself <<<
check also: 自身


pronunciation: jitai
kanji characters: , 退
translation: declination, refusal
辞退する: jitaisuru: decline, refuse to accept

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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29