Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 近視,近親,均質,近東,金属,記憶,気温,吉報,切符,機雷

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Direct access: 近視 , 近親 , 均質 , 近東 , 金属 , 記憶 , 気温 , 吉報 , 切符 , 機雷


pronunciation: kinshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: short-sightedness, near-sightedness, myopia
近視の: kinshino: shortsighted, nearsighted, myopic
近視眼的: kinshiganteki
antonyms: 遠視


pronunciation: kinshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: near relation, close relation
近親の: kinshinnno: closely related
近親者: kinshinsha: close relative <<<
近親結婚: kinshinkekkon: intermarriage <<< 結婚
近親相姦: kinshinsoukan: incest
近親相姦の: kinshinsoukannno: incestuous


pronunciation: kinshitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: homogeneity
均質の: kinshitsuno: homogeneous
均質化: kinshitsuka: homogenization <<<
均質化する: kinshitsukasuru: homogenize
均質炉: kinshitsuro: homogeneous reactor <<<


pronunciation: kintou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: asia , africa
translation: Near East
中近東: chuukintou: Middle and Near East <<<
check also: 中東


pronunciation: kinzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: metal
金属性: kinzokusei: metallic <<<
金属製: kinzokusei: metal made <<<
金属質: kinzokushitsu: metallic property <<<
金属学: kinzokugaku: metallurgy <<<
金属色: kinzokuiro: metallic color <<<
金属音: kinzokuon: metallic sound <<<
金属板: kinzokuban: metallic panel [plate, sheet] <<<
金属工業: kinzokukougyou: metal industry, metallurgy <<< 工業
金属製品: kinzokuseihin: metal goods, hardware <<< 製品
金属元素: kinzokugenso: metallic element <<< 元素
金属疲労: kinzokuhirou: metal fatigue <<< 疲労
貴金属: kikinzoku: precious metals <<<
軽金属: keikinzoku: light metals <<<
重金属: juukinzoku: heavy metals <<<
非金属: hikinzoku: nonmetal <<<


pronunciation: kioku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer , medicine
translation: memory, remembrance, recollection, record
記憶する: kiokusuru: remember, keep in mind, memorize, learn by heart
記憶すべき: kiokusubeki: memorable, noteworthy
記憶が良い: kiokugaii: have a good [strong] memory <<<
記憶が悪い: kiokugawarui: have a bad [poor] memory <<<
記憶を失う: kiokuoushinau: lose memory <<<
記憶が無い: kiokuganai: cannot remember <<<
記憶を辿る: kiokuotadoru: try to recall <<< 辿
記憶力: kiokuryoku: retentive faculty <<<
記憶術: kiokujutsu: mnemonics <<<
記憶喪失: kiokusoushitsu: amnesia, loss of memory <<< 喪失
記憶喪失の: kiokusoushitsuno: amnesic
記憶障害: kiokushougai: disturbance of memory <<< 障害
記憶装置: kiokusouchi: computer memory <<< 装置
記憶効果: kiokukouka: memory effect <<< 効果
記憶容量: kiokuyouryou: memory [storage] capacity <<< 容量
不確かな記憶: hutashikanakioku: hazy memory <<< 不確か
check also: メモリー , 思い出


pronunciation: kion
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: (atmospheric) temperature
気温が上がる: kiongaagaru: temperature rises <<<
気温が下がる: kiongasagaru: temperature falls <<<
気温が高い: kiongatakai: temperature is high <<<
気温が低い: kiongahikui: temperature is low <<<
最低気温: saiteikion: the lowest temperature <<< 最低
平均気温: heikinkion: mean temperature <<< 平均
check also: 温度


pronunciation: kippou
kanji characters: ,
translation: good news
吉報を齎す: kippouomotarasu: bring good news <<<


pronunciation: kippu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , show
translation: ticket, coupon
切符を買う: kippuokau: get [buy] a ticket <<<
切符を調べる: kippuoshiraberu: examine tickets <<< 調
切符を切る: kippuokiru: punch [clip] a ticket <<<
切符切り: kippukiri: ticket puncher
切符売り: kippuuri: ticket agent, booking clerk <<<
切符売場: kippuuriba: ticket booth, ticket agency <<< 売場
片道切符: katamichikippu: single ticket, one-way ticket <<< 片道
連絡切符: renrakukippu: through [transfer] ticket <<< 連絡
共通切符: kyoutsuukippu: common ticket <<< 共通
乗換切符: norikaekippu: transfer ticket <<< 乗換
往復切符: ouhukukippu: roundtrip ticket <<< 往復
観戦切符: kansenkippu: entry ticket (of a game) <<< 観戦
無効切符: mukoukippu: bad ticket <<< 無効
遊覧切符: yuurankippu: excursion ticket <<< 遊覧
一等切符: ittoukippu: first-class ticket <<< 一等
反則切符: hansokukippu: traffic [parking] ticket <<< 反則
synonyms: チケット , クーポン


pronunciation: kirai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: sea mine
機雷に触れる: kirainihureru: strike a mine <<<
機雷原: kiraigen: (sea) mine field <<<
機雷を敷設する: kiraiohusetsusuru: lay (sea) mines
check also: 地雷

The displayed words on this page are 3864 - 3873 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39