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強情pronunciation: goujoukanji characters: 強 , 情 translation: stubbornness, waywardness, obstinacy 強情な: goujouna: stubborn, wayward, obstinate 強情を張る: goujouoharu: be obstinate, stick to one's opinion, persist, insist, keep a stiff upper lip <<< 張 check also: 頑固 豪華pronunciation: goukakanji characters: 豪 , 華 keyword: decoration translation: splendor, luxury, magnificence, opulency, opulence 豪華な: goukana: gorgeous, splendid, luxurious, magnificent, deluxe, opulent 豪華版: goukaban: deluxe edition <<< 版 豪華船: goukasen: luxury liner <<< 船 check also: 華麗 , 贅沢 , デラックス 豪快pronunciation: goukaikanji characters: 豪 , 快 keyword: sport translation: stirring (n.), splendidness, dynamism 豪快な: goukaina: stirring (a.), splendid, dynamic 合格pronunciation: goukakukanji characters: 合 , 格 keyword: school translation: success (in an examination), eligibility (for a post) 合格する: goukakusuru: pass [succeed in] an examination 合格者: goukakusha: successful candidate <<< 者 合格点: goukakuten: passing mark <<< 点 合格通知: goukakutsuuchi: acceptance letter <<< 通知 不合格: hugoukaku: disqualification, failure (in an examination) <<< 不 , 落第 , 失格 不合格の: hugoukakuno: unqualified, disqualified, rejected 不合格に成る: hugoukakuninaru: be disqualified, be rejected <<< 成 不合格者: hugoukakusha: disqualified person [candidate] <<< 者 不合格品: hugoukakuhin: rejected goods, throwout <<< 品
強姦pronunciation: goukankanji characters: 強 , 姦 keyword: crime , sex translation: rape (n.), violation 強姦する: goukansuru: rape (v.), violate, commit rape 強姦犯: goukanhan: rapist <<< 犯 check also: レイプ 合計pronunciation: goukeikanji characters: 合 , 計 keyword: accounting translation: total amount, sum total 合計で: goukeide: in all, all told 合計する: goukeisuru: sum [add] up, total (v.) check also: 累計 豪傑pronunciation: gouketsukanji characters: 豪 , 傑 keyword: legend translation: great man, hero 豪傑肌の: gouketsuhadano: heroic, gallant <<< 肌 豪傑笑い: gouketsuwarai: hearty laugh <<< 笑 synonyms: ヒーロー , 英雄 合金pronunciation: goukinkanji characters: 合 , 金 keyword: material translation: alloy (n.), amalgam 合金する: goukinsuru: alloy (v.) 傲慢pronunciation: goumankanji characters: 傲 , 慢 translation: haughtiness, arrogance, hubris 傲慢な: goumannna: haughty, arrogant, insolent, proud check also: 高慢 , 自惚れ 拷問pronunciation: goumonkanji characters: 拷 , 問 keyword: crime translation: torture (n.) 拷問に掛ける: goumonnnikakeru: torture (v.), put (a person) to torture <<< 掛 拷問台: goumondai: rack <<< 台
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