Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 特色,特殊,特集,特定,得点,特典,特約,戸惑い,戸惑,止り木

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Direct access: 特色 , 特殊 , 特集 , 特定 , 得点 , 特典 , 特約 , 戸惑い , 戸惑 , 止り木


pronunciation: tokushoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: special feature, distinction, peculiarity, outstanding characteristic
特色の有る: tokushokunoaru: characteristic, distinctive, peculiar <<<
特色の無い: tokushokunonai: indistinctive, featureless, colorless <<<
特色を発揮する: tokushokuohakkisuru: display [exhibit] one's outstanding characteristics <<< 発揮
synonyms: 特徴


pronunciation: tokushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: peculiarity, uniqueness
特殊な: tokushuna: special, particular, peculiar, unique <<< スペシャル
特殊性: tokushusei: peculiarity, special characteristics <<<
特殊鋼: tokushukou: special steel <<<
特殊化: tokushuka: specification <<<
特殊化する: tokushukasuru: specify
特殊学級: tokushugakkyuu: special class
特殊学校: tokushugakkou: special school, professional school <<< 学校
特殊教育: tokushukyouiku: special school system <<< 教育
特殊会社: tokushugaisha: chartered company <<< 会社
特殊銀行: tokushuginkou: chartered [special] bank <<< 銀行
特殊事情: tokushujijou: special circumstances <<< 事情
特殊部隊: tokushubutai: special forces <<< 部隊
特殊詐欺: tokushusagi: phone fraud <<< 詐欺
check also: 特別


pronunciation: tokushuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: special (edition)
特集する: tokushuusuru: feature (v.)
特集号: tokushuugou: special number (issue) <<<
特集番組: tokushuubangumi: feature program <<< 番組


pronunciation: tokutei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: specification, determination
特定の: tokuteino: (specially) fixed, specific, specified, given
特定する: tokuteisuru: specify, determine
特定物: tokuteibutsu: specific thing <<<
特定財源: tokuteizaigen: specific funds
特定財産: tokuteizaisan: specific property <<< 財産
特定銘柄: tokuteimeigara: specific stocks <<< 銘柄
特定料金: tokuteiryoukin: special fee [fare] <<< 料金
check also: 特別


pronunciation: tokuten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: goal (n.), score (n.), mark (n.)
得点する: tokutensuru: goal (v.), score (v.), mark (v.)
得点表: tokutenhyou: scorebook, scorecard <<<
check also: 点数 , スコア , ゴール


pronunciation: tokuten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: privilege (n.), special favor
特典を与える: tokutennoataeru: privilege (a person to do), grant a privilege (to a person) <<<
特典を得る: tokutennoeru: get a privilege (of) <<<


pronunciation: tokuyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: special contract [agreement]
特約する: tokuyakusuru: make [enter into] a special contract (with)
特約店: tokuyakuten: special agent, chain store <<<


pronunciation: tomadoi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 途惑い
translation: embarrassment, confusion, bewilderment, abashment
戸惑いする: tomadoisuru: be puzzled [bewildered, abashed] (at), be at a loss


pronunciation: tomadoi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: psychology
translation: puzzling, embarrassment, disorientation
戸惑する: tomadoisuru: be puzzled [bewildered], be at a loss
戸惑う: tomadou
synonyms: 狼狽


pronunciation: tomarigi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 止まり木, 留まり木, 留り木
keyword: bird
translation: perch, bar stool
止り木に止まる: tomariginitomaru: alight on a perch, take its perch, sit on a bar stool <<<

The displayed words on this page are 8065 - 8074 among 8899.
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Last update: 10/01/25 18:10