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専任pronunciation: sennninkanji characters: 専 , 任 keyword: job translation: full-time (job) 専任の: sennninnno: full-time 専任教員: sennninkyouin: full-time teacher <<< 教員 専任理事: sennninriji: full-time trustee <<< 理事 仙人pronunciation: sennninkanji characters: 仙 , 人 keyword: religion translation: superhuman being, hermit, unworldly man check also: 隠者 専用pronunciation: sennyoukanji characters: 専 , 用 keyword: transport translation: appropriation, exclusive use 専用の: sennyouno: exclusive, special, private 専用車: sennyousha: exclusive car for <<< 車 専用機: sennyouki: special aircraft <<< 機 check also: 専有 専有pronunciation: sennyuukanji characters: 専 , 有 keyword: law translation: exclusive possession 専有の: sennyuuno: exclusive, private 専有する: sennyuusuru: monopolize, enjoy sole possession of 専有権: sennyuuken: exclusive rights <<< 権 専有者: sennyuusha: sole owner <<< 者 check also: 専用
戦友pronunciation: sennyuukanji characters: 戦 , 友 keyword: war translation: comrade at arms, fellow soldier 背伸pronunciation: senobikanji characters: 背 , 伸 keyword: body translation: stretching of own body 背伸する: senobisuru: stand on tiptoe, stretch oneself, try to do what one cannot do 先輩pronunciation: senpaikanji characters: 先 , 輩 keyword: school translation: senior, superior, elder, older graduate 先輩面をする: senpaiZuraosuru: assume an air of seniority, make much of one's seniority <<< 面 check also: 後輩 , Senpai 船舶pronunciation: senpakukanji characters: 船 , 舶 keyword: ship translation: ships, vessels, shipping, marine 船舶業: senpakugyou: shipping industry <<< 業 船舶法: senpakuhou: marine law <<< 法 船舶課: senpakuka: shipping section <<< 課 船舶会社: senpakugaisha: shipping company <<< 会社 船舶使用料: senpakushiyouryou: charterage 船舶所有者: senpakushoyuusha: shipowner 船舶登記簿: senpakutoukibo: shipping register 船舶登録簿: senpakutourokubo synonyms: 艦船 旋風pronunciation: senpuukanji characters: 旋 , 風 keyword: weather translation: whirlwind, cyclone, tornado check also: 竜巻 扇風機pronunciation: senpuukikanji characters: 扇 , 風 , 機 keyword: tool translation: electric fan 扇風機を掛ける: senpuukiokakeru: turn [switch] on an electric fan <<< 掛 扇風機を止める: senpuukiotomeru: turn [switch] off an electric fan <<< 止 check also: ファン
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