Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 貸付,柏餅,箇所,歌唱,過小,歌手,加速,火葬,仮装,仮想

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Direct access: 貸付 , 柏餅 , 箇所 , 歌唱 , 過小 , 歌手 , 加速 , 火葬 , 仮装 , 仮想


pronunciation: kashitsuke
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 貸し付
keyword: bank
translation: loan (n.), loaning
貸付ける: kashitsukeru: lend (v.), loan, advance, make an advance
貸付係: kashitsukegakari: loan teller <<<
貸付金: kashitsukekin: loan, advance <<<
貸付枠: kashitsukewaku: credit limit <<<
貸付限度: kashitsukegendo <<< 限度
貸付残高: kashitsukezandaka: debit balance <<< 残高
無償貸付: mushoukashitsuke: free loan <<< 無償
短期貸付: tankikashitsuke: short-term loan <<< 短期
長期貸付: choukikashitsuke: long-term loan <<< 長期
check also: ローン


pronunciation: kashiwamochi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: カシワモチ
keyword: confectionery
translation: a rice cake wrapped in an oak leaf, kashiwamochi


pronunciation: kasho
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 箇処, カ所
keyword: position
translation: place, spot, part, point, passage
数箇所: suukasho: some points [places, spots, passages] <<<
一箇所: ikkasho: one place, one spot, one part, one point, one passage <<<
破損箇所: hasonkasho: damaged part, breach <<< 破損
synonyms: 場所


pronunciation: kashou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: singing, song


pronunciation: kashou
kanji characters: ,
translation: too little, too small
過小評価: kashouhyouka: underestimation <<< 評価
過小評価する: kashouhyoukasuru: underestimate, think too little of


pronunciation: kashu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music , show
translation: singer
男性歌手: danseikashu: male singer <<< 男性
女性歌手: joseikashu: female singer <<< 女性
流行歌手: ryuukoukashu: singer of popular songs <<< 流行
ジャズ歌手: jazukashu: jazz singer <<< ジャズ
ソプラノ歌手: sopuranokashu: sopranist, soprano (singer) <<< ソプラノ
ロック歌手: rokkukashu: rocker, rock musician <<< ロック
ソロ歌手: sorokashu: soloist <<< ソロ
アルト歌手: arutokashu: alto singer <<< アルト
オペラ歌手: operakashu: opera singer <<< オペラ
check also: 歌姫


pronunciation: kasoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , technology
translation: acceleration
加速する: kasokusuru: accelerate, speed up
加速度: kasokudo: acceleration <<<
加速度の: kasokudono: accelerative, accelerating
加速的: kasokuteki <<<
加速的に: kasokutekini: with increasing speed
加速器: kasokuki: accelerator <<<
加速装置: kasokusouchi <<< 装置
check also: 減速


pronunciation: kasou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: cremation
火葬の: kasouno: crematory (a.)
火葬する: kasousuru: cremate
火葬場: kasouba: crematory (n.), crematorium <<<
火葬所: kasoujo <<<
火葬炉: kasouro: crematory oven <<<


pronunciation: kasou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: disguise (n.)
仮装する: kasousuru: disguise (v.)
仮装して: kasoushite: in disguise
仮装会: kasoukai: masquerade <<<
仮装服: kasouhuku: fancy dress <<<
仮装行列: kasougyouretsu: costume parade <<< 行列
仮装舞踏会: kasoubutoukai: fancy dress ball, masked ball, masquerade
仮装巡洋艦: kasoujunnyoukan: auxiliary cruiser <<< 巡洋艦


pronunciation: kasou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: virtuality, imagination, supposition, hypothesis
仮想する: kasousuru: imagine, suppose, hypothesize
仮想の: kasouno: virtual, imaginative, fictitious, hypothetical
仮想的: kasouteki <<<
仮想敵: kasouteki: potential [supposed] enemy <<<
仮想敵国: kasoutekikoku <<<
仮想現実: kasougenjitsu: virtual reality <<< 現実
仮想通貨: kasoutsuuka: virtual currency, cryptocurrency <<< 通貨
仮想メモリー: kasoumemorii: virtual memory <<< メモリー
synonyms: バーチャル

The displayed words on this page are 3439 - 3448 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29