Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 知的,地点,千歳,秩序,千代,治癒,血染め,地図,貯蓄,貯金

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Direct access: 知的 , 地点 , 千歳 , 秩序 , 千代 , 治癒 , 血染め , 地図 , 貯蓄 , 貯金


pronunciation: chiteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: intellectual, mental
知的生活: chitekiseikatsu: intellectual life <<< 生活
知的労働: chitekiroudousha: brain work <<< 労働
知的労働者: chitekiroudousha: brain worker <<<
知的財産権: chitekizaisanken: intellectual property


pronunciation: chiten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: terrestrial point, spot
分岐地点: bunkichiten: turning point, junction, watershed <<< 分岐
観測地点: kansokuchiten: observation point <<< 観測
出発地点: shuppatsuchiten: starting point <<< 出発


pronunciation: chitose
kanji characters: ,
translation: thousand years
千歳飴: chitoseame: thousand year candy (for the fest of Shichi-Go-San) <<<
新千歳空港: shinchitosekuukou: New Chitose Airport
check also: 七五三


pronunciation: chitsujo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: order, discipline
秩序の有る: chitsujonoaru: well-ordered, orderly, organized <<<
秩序の無い: chitsujononai: disorderly, disorganized, confused <<<
秩序を乱す: chitsujoomidasu: disturb the (social) order <<<
秩序正しく: chitsujotadashiku: in good order <<<
無秩序: muchitsujo: disorder, chaos <<<


pronunciation: chiyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: long time, forever
千代田区: chiyodaku: Borough of Chiyoda (in Tokyo)
千代の富士: chiyonohuji: Chiyonofuji (a great champion of Sumo) <<< 富士


pronunciation: chiyu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: recovery *from illness(, healing
治癒する: chiyusuru: recover, heal


pronunciation: chizome
kanji characters: ,
translation: blood red, blood stain
血染めの: chizomeno: bloodred, bloodstained


pronunciation: chizu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , travel
translation: map, chart, plan
地図で捜す: chizudesagasu: look up on a map <<<
地図を見る: chizuomiru: consult a map <<<
地図で調べる: chizudeshiraberu <<< 調
地図帳: chizuchou: atlas <<<
掛地図: kakechizu: wall map <<<
航海地図: koukaichizu: (navigation) chart <<< 航海
観光地図: kankouchizu: tourist map <<< 観光
模型地図: mokeichizu: relief map <<< 模型
輪郭地図: rinkakuchizu: outline map <<< 輪郭
道路地図: dourochizu: road map <<< 道路
世界地図: sekaichizu: map of the world <<< 世界
check also: 図面


pronunciation: chochiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: savings
貯蓄する: chochikusuru: save, store up, lay up
貯蓄心: chochikushin: thrift <<<
貯蓄心の有る: chochikushinnnoaru: thrifty, provident <<<
貯蓄心の無い: chochikushinnnonai: unthrifty, improvident <<<
貯蓄家: chochikuka: saver <<<
貯蓄運動: chochikuundou: savings campaign <<< 運動
貯蓄銀行: chochikuginkou: savings bank <<< 銀行
貯蓄債権: chochikusaiken: savings bond <<< 債権
check also: 貯金


pronunciation: chokin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: savings, deposit (n.), nestegg
貯金する: chokinsuru: save, deposit (v.)
貯金を預ける: chokinnoazukeru: deposit one's savings <<<
貯金箱: chokinbako: money box, piggy bank <<<
貯金局: chokinkyoku: Savings Bureau <<<
貯金者: chokinsha: depositor <<<
貯金を引出す: chokinnohikidasu: draw one's savings <<< 引出
貯金を下す: chokunnoorosu <<<
貯金通帳: chokintsuuchou: savings [deposit] passbook <<< 通帳
通知貯金: tsuuchichokin: deposit at call notice <<< 通知
郵便貯金: yuubinchokin: postal savings <<< 郵便
外貨貯金: gaikachokin: foreign currency deposit <<< 外貨
定期貯金: teikichokin: fixed time deposit <<< 定期
箪笥貯金: tansuchokin: hoarded money <<< 箪笥
普通貯金: hutsuuchokin: current [check] account <<< 普通
信託貯金: shintakuchokin: trust deposit <<< 信託
銀行貯金: ginkouchokin: bank deposit <<< 銀行
check also: 貯蓄 , 預金

The displayed words on this page are 531 - 540 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29