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象徴pronunciation: shouchoukanji characters: 象 , 徴 keyword: art translation: symbol, icon 象徴の: shouchouno: symbolic, iconic 象徴的: shouchouteki <<< 的 象徴する: shouchousuru: symbolize 象徴化する: shouchoukasuru <<< 化 象徴派: shouchouha: symbolist school <<< 派 象徴主義: shouchoushugi: symbolism <<< 主義 象徴主義者: shouchoushugisha: symbolist <<< 者 焼酎pronunciation: shouchuukanji characters: 焼 keyword: drink translation: (cheap) spirit, liquor check also: 酒 承諾pronunciation: shoudakukanji characters: 承 , 諾 translation: consent (n.), assent, acceptance, permission 承諾する: shoudakusuru: consent [assent] (to), give one's consent [assent], comply with, accept, acquiesce 承諾を与える: shoudakuoataeru: give one's consent [assent] <<< 与 承諾を得る: shoudakuoeru: obtain a person's consent [assent] <<< 得 承諾を得て: shoudakuoete: with a person's consent [permission] 承諾を得ないで: shoudakuoenaide: without a person's consent [permission] 承諾を求める: shoudakuomotomeru: ask a person's consent (to) <<< 求 check also: 承知 , 承認 , 同意 , 了解 , 了承 商談pronunciation: shoudankanji characters: 商 , 談 keyword: business translation: business talk, negotiations 商談する: shoudansuru: talk business (with), have a business talk (with), negotiate (with) 商談を行う: shoudannookonau <<< 行
照度pronunciation: shoudokanji characters: 照 , 度 keyword: optics translation: illuminance, lux 照度計: shoudokei: illuminance meter <<< 計 check also: 輝度 消毒pronunciation: shoudokukanji characters: 消 , 毒 keyword: hygiene translation: disinfection, sterilization 消毒する: shoudokusuru: disinfect, subject to disinfection, sterilize 消毒した: shoudokushita: disinfected, sterilized 消毒衣: shoudokui: disinfected clothes <<< 衣 消毒液: shoudokueki: disinfectant solution <<< 液 消毒器: shoudokuki: sterilizer <<< 器 消毒室: shoudokushitsu: disinfected room [station] <<< 室 消毒所: shoudokujo <<< 所 消毒綿: shoudokumen: sterilized cotton <<< 綿 消毒薬: shoudokuyaku: disinfectant <<< 薬 消毒剤: shoudokuzai <<< 剤 消毒包帯: shoudokuhoutai: sterilized bandages <<< 包帯 傷口を消毒する: kizuguchioshoudokusuru: disinfect a wound <<< 傷口 熱湯消毒: nettoushoudoku: disinfection with boiling water <<< 熱湯 熱湯消毒をする: nettoushoudokuosuru: disinfect with boiling water <<< 熱湯 日光消毒: nikkoushoudoku: disinfections by sunlight <<< 日光 熱気消毒: nekkishoudoku: hot-air sterilization <<< 熱気 衝動pronunciation: shoudoukanji characters: 衝 , 動 translation: impulse, impetus, urge 衝動的に: shoudoutekini: on the spur of the moment, impulsively, on impulse <<< 的 衝動に駆られて: shoudounikararete: on impulse, from [by] an impulse <<< 駆 衝動に駆られる: shoudounikarareru: be driven by an impulse (to do) 衝動に負ける: shoudounimakeru <<< 負 衝動買い: shoudougai: purchase on impulse <<< 買 硝煙pronunciation: shouenkanji characters: 硝 , 煙 keyword: weapon translation: powder smoke 小宴pronunciation: shouenkanji characters: 小 , 宴 keyword: fest translation: small banquet, informal party 小宴を催す: shouennomoyoosu: give a small banquet <<< 催 生姜pronunciation: shougakanji characters: 生 , 姜 other spells: ショウガ keyword: condiment translation: ginger 紅生姜: benishouga: red pickled ginger <<< 紅 check also: 茗荷
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