Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 肉食,肉腫,肉屋,二枚,煮物,荷物,認知,人間,人魚,人形

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Direct access: 肉食 , 肉腫 , 肉屋 , 二枚 , 煮物 , 荷物 , 認知 , 人間 , 人魚 , 人形


pronunciation: nikushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal , biology
translation: meat diet
肉食する: nikushokusuru: eat meat, eat flesh
肉食の: nikushokuno: carnivorous
肉食性: nikushokusei <<<
肉食獣: nikushokujuu: carnivorous animal, meat eater <<<
肉食動物: nikushokudoubutsu <<< 動物
肉食鳥: nikushokuchou: bird of prey, rapacious bird <<< , 猛禽
肉食虫: nikushokuchuu: predacious insect <<<
肉食植物: nikushokushokubutsu: carnivorous plant <<< 植物
check also: 草食


pronunciation: nikushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: sarcoma
リンパ肉腫: rinpanikushu: lymphosarcoma <<< リンパ


pronunciation: nikuya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shop
translation: butcher, meat shop


pronunciation: nimai
kanji characters: ,
translation: two leaves, double (n.)
二枚の: nimaino: two-leaved, double (a.)
二枚貝: nimaigai: bivalve shell [shellfish], clam <<<
二枚戸: nimaido: double door <<<
二枚目: nimaime: lover's part, beau <<<
二枚舌: nimaijita: double-tongue, lie (n.) <<<
二枚舌の: nimaijitano: double-tongued, devious, duplicitous
二枚舌を使う: nimaijitaotsukau: be double-tongued, tell a lie <<< 使
二枚屏風: nimaibyoubu: double-leaf screen <<< 屏風


pronunciation: nimono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: boiled food, dishes
煮物する: nimonosuru: boil (food)


pronunciation: nimotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: baggage, luggage, parcel, burden
荷物を積む: nimotsuotsumu: load with things, load goods on to <<<
荷物を降ろす: nimotsuoorosu: unload, discharge <<<
荷物を預ける: nimotsuoazukeru: book one's luggage, check in one's luggage <<<
荷物室: nimotsushitsu: cargo compartment <<<
手荷物: tenimotsu: hand baggage <<<
check also: 小包 , 貨物


pronunciation: ninchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: psychology
translation: acknowledgment, recognition
認知する: ninchisuru: acknowledge [recognize] (a child as one's own)
認知症: ninchishou: Alzheimer's disease <<< , アルツハイマー
check also: 認識


pronunciation: ningen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: human being, man, mortal, flesh and blood, character, mankind, humanity
人間の: ningennno: human, mortal
人間らしい: ningenrashii: manlike
人間らしい生活: ningenrashiiseikatsu: life worthy of man <<< 生活
人間嫌い: ningengirai: misanthropy, misanthropist <<<
人間並みの: ningennnamino: like the common run of men, ordinary, average <<<
人間性: ningensei: humanity, human nature <<<
人間性の無い: ningenseinonai: dehumanized <<<
人間味: ningenmi: humanity, human touch, milk of human kindness <<<
人間味の有る: ningenminoaru: humane, warmhearted <<<
人間業でない: ningenwazadenai: be beyond human power, be superhuman <<<
人間愛: ningennai: humanity, human love <<<
人間関係: ningeikankei: human relations <<< 関係
人間形成: ningenkeisei: character modeling <<< 形成
人間工学: ningenkougaku: human engineering <<< 工学
人間社会: ningenshakai: human society <<< 社会
土地の人間: tochinoningen: a native <<< 土地
平凡な人間: heibonnnaningen: man in the street, ordinary man <<< 平凡
透明人間: toumeiningen: The Invisible Man (a novel of HG. Wells) <<< 透明
瀕死の人間: hinshinoningen: dying person <<< 瀕死
植物人間: shokubutsuningen: person in a vegetative state, gork <<< 植物
生身の人間: namaminoningen <<< 生身
クローン人間: kuroonnningen: clone man <<< クローン
check also: 人類


pronunciation: ningyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: legend
translation: mermaid, merman


pronunciation: ningyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: kids
translation: doll, puppet
人形の様な: ningyounoyouna: doll-like <<<
人形使い: ningyoutsukai: puppet operator, puppet-show man <<< 使
人形劇: ningyougeki: puppet play [show], marionette performance <<<
人形芝居: ningyoushibai <<< 芝居
蝋人形: rouningyou: wax doll <<<
日本人形: nihonnningyou: Japanese doll <<< 日本
郷土人形: kyoudoningyou: local doll <<< 郷土
武者人形: mushaningyou: doll warrior <<< 武者
五月人形: gogatsuningyou: dolls for boy's festival <<< 五月
縫包み人形: nuiguruminingyou: ragdoll <<< 縫包み

The displayed words on this page are 5379 - 5388 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29