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休会pronunciation: kyuukaikanji characters: 休 , 会 keyword: politics translation: adjournment, recess 休会する: kyuukaisuru: adjourn, go into recess 休会明け: kyuukaiake: post-holiday, post-recess <<< 明 休会中: kyuukaichuu: in recess <<< 中 check also: 閉会 休刊pronunciation: kyuukankanji characters: 休 , 刊 keyword: media translation: suspension of publication 休刊する: kyuukansuru: suspend [discontinue] publication 休刊日: kyuukanbi: no-issue day <<< 日 休憩pronunciation: kyuukeikanji characters: 休 , 憩 keyword: show , school translation: rest (n.), recess, break 休憩する: kyuukeisuru: rest (v.), recess, break 休憩室: kyuukeishitsu: lounge, resting room, foyer <<< 室 休憩所: kyuukeijo: resting spot <<< 所 休憩時間: kyuukeijikan: recess, interval <<< 時間 check also: 休息 , 休養 吸血pronunciation: kyuuketsukanji characters: 吸 , 血 keyword: biology translation: bloodsucking, vampirism, hematophagy 吸血鬼: kyuuketsuki: bloodsucker, vampire <<< 鬼 吸血性: kyuukesei: hematophagous <<< 性 check also: ドラキュラ
球根pronunciation: kyuukonkanji characters: 球 , 根 keyword: flower translation: bulb 球根植物: kyuukonshokubutsu: bulbous plant <<< 植物 百合の球根: yurinokyuukon: lily bulb <<< 百合 求婚pronunciation: kyuukonkanji characters: 求 , 婚 keyword: love translation: proposal [offer] of marriage, courtship 求婚する: kyuukonsuru: propose (to), court, woo 求婚者: kyuukonsha: suitor, wooer <<< 者 check also: 求愛 急行pronunciation: kyuukoukanji characters: 急 , 行 keyword: train translation: express (train) 急行する: kyuukousuru: hasten 急行させる: kyuukousaseru: send at once 急行券: kyuukouken: express ticket <<< 券 急行便: kyuukoubin: express freight <<< 便 急行料: kyuukouryou: express charges <<< 料 急行料金: kyuukouryoukin <<< 料金 急行列車: kyuukouressha: express train <<< 列車 急行バス: kyuukoubasu: express bus <<< バス 富士急行: hujikyuukou: Fujikyu (a passenger transportation company around Mt. Fuji) <<< 富士 普通急行: hutsuukyuukou: ordinary express <<< 普通 check also: 快速 , 特急 窮屈pronunciation: kyuukutsukanji characters: 窮 , 屈 translation: narrowness, constraint, stiffness, rigidity 窮屈な: kyuukutsuna: narrow, close, constrained, uncomfortable, stiff, rigid, strict check also: 狭 究極pronunciation: kyuukyokukanji characters: 究 , 極 translation: ultima, best of the best 究極の: kyuukyokuno: ultimate, supreme 究極の所: kyuukyokunotokoro: in the end, after all, finally <<< 所 究極に於いて: kyuukokunioite <<< 於 旧教pronunciation: kyuukyoukanji characters: 旧 , 教 keyword: christianity translation: Catholicism 旧教徒: kyuukyouto: Catholic <<< 徒 synonyms: カトリック antonyms: 新教
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