Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 博打,莫大,爆弾,爆撃,爆発,爆音,暴露,幕僚,爆笑,場面

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Direct access: 博打 , 莫大 , 爆弾 , 爆撃 , 爆発 , 爆音 , 暴露 , 幕僚 , 爆笑 , 場面


pronunciation: bakuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: gambling, gaming
博打を打つ: bakuchioutsu: gamble (v.), game (v.) <<<
博打で勝つ: bakuchidekatsu: win at gamble <<<
博打で負ける: bakuchidemakeru: lose at gamble <<<
博打打: bakuchiuchi: gambler <<<
博打場: bakuchijou: gambling place, house <<<
大博打: oobakuchi: very high stake, risky enterprise <<<
check also: , 賭博 , ギャンブル


pronunciation: bakudai
kanji characters:
keyword: finance
translation: enormity, hugeness
莫大な: bakudaina: enormous, immense, huge
莫大な金: bakudainakane: vast sum of money <<<
莫大な金額: bakudainakingaku <<< 金額


pronunciation: bakudan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: bomb, bombshell
爆弾の雨: bakudannnoame: hail of bombs <<<
爆弾を投げる: bakudannonageru: throw a bomb <<<
爆弾霰: bakudannarare: popcorn
爆弾の破片: bakudannnohahen: bomb fragment [splinter] <<< 破片
爆弾を仕掛ける: bakudannoshikakeru: plant an explosive <<< 仕掛
爆弾を投下する: bakudannotoukasuru: bomb (v.), drop [throw] a bomb <<< 投下
爆弾投下: bakudantouka: bomb dropping [release]
爆弾宣言: bakudansengen: bombshell declaration <<< 宣言
爆弾声明: bakudanseimei <<< 声明
水素爆弾: suisobakudan: hydrogen bomb, H-bomb <<< 水素
原子爆弾: genshibakudan: atomic bomb <<< 原子
仕掛爆弾: shikakebakudan: time bomb <<< 仕掛
ウラン爆弾: uranbakudan: uranium bomb <<< ウラン
レーザー爆弾: reezaabakudan: laser bomb, laser-guided bomb <<< レーザー
プラスチック爆弾: purasuchikkubakudan: plastic bomb <<< プラスチック
コバルト爆弾: kobarutobakudan: cobalt bomb <<< コバルト
ナパーム爆弾: napaamubakudan: napalm bomb <<< ナパーム
check also: 爆撃


pronunciation: bakugeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: bombardment
爆撃する: bakugekisuru: bombard, bomb (v.)
爆撃機: bakugekiki: bomber, bombing plane <<<
重爆撃機: juubakugekiki: heavy bomber <<<
戦略爆撃: senryakubakuge: strategic bombing <<< 戦略
報復爆撃: houhukubakugeki: reprisal bombing <<< 報復
限定爆撃: genteibakugeki: limited bombing <<< 限定
水平爆撃: suiheibakugeki: horizontal bombing <<< 水平
絨毯爆撃: juutanbakugeki: carpet bombing <<< 絨毯
check also: 爆弾 , 空爆


pronunciation: bakuhatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , weapon
translation: explosion, blast (n.)
爆発する: bakuhatsusuru: explode, blast (v.)
爆発性の: bakuhatsuseino: explosive (a.) <<<
爆発物: bakuhatsubutsu: explosive (n.) <<<
爆発薬: bakuhatsuyaku <<<
爆発音: bakuhatsuon: report, loud noise, detonation <<<
爆発力: bakuhatsuryoku: brisance, explosive power <<<
爆発ガス: bakuhatsugasu: explosive gas <<< ガス
核爆発: kakubakuhatsu: nuclear explosion <<<
原発爆発: genpatsubakuhatsu: explosion of a nuclear plant <<< 原発
ガス爆発: gasubakuhatsu: gas explosion <<< ガス
check also: 破裂


pronunciation: bakuon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , transport
translation: detonation, roar (n.), whir (n.)
爆音を立てる: bakuonnotateru: detonate, roar (v.), whir (v.) <<<
爆音を発する: bakuonnohassuru <<<
爆音高く: bakuontakaku: with a loud whir <<<


pronunciation: bakuro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: exposure, disclosure, revelation
暴露する: bakurosuru: expose, disclose, reveal, uncover
暴露記事: bakurokiji: telltale story <<< 記事
暴露戦術: bakurosenjutsu: exposure tactics <<< 戦術


pronunciation: bakuryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: military rank
translation: staff officer
幕僚長: bakuryouchou: chief of staff <<<
synonyms: 参謀


pronunciation: bakushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: roar of laughter
爆笑する: bakushousuru: burst out laughing, burst into laughter


pronunciation: bamen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: scene, place, spot
場面が変わる: bamengakawaru: The scene changes [shifts] <<<
回想場面: kaisoubamen: retrospect sequence <<< 回想
check also: シーン

The displayed words on this page are 197 - 206 among 8899.
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Last update: 10/01/25 18:10