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手拭きpronunciation: tehukikanji characters: 手 , 拭 keyword: hygiene translation: towel, washcloth, napkin synonyms: タオル , 手拭 , ナプキン 提案pronunciation: teiankanji characters: 提 , 案 keyword: business translation: proposal, proposition, suggestion, overtures 提案する: teiansuru: propose, suggest, make suggestions [a proposal], put a proposition 提案者: teiansha: proposer <<< 者 逆提案: gyakuteian: counter proposition <<< 逆 check also: 提示 , 提言 定番pronunciation: teibankanji characters: 定 , 番 keyword: business translation: classic product [article, dish] 堤防pronunciation: teiboukanji characters: 堤 , 防 keyword: construction translation: bank, embankment, dike, levee 堤防を築く: teibouokizuku: construct [build] an embankment [a dike] <<< 築 堤防が切れる: teibougakireru: The levee collapses [breaks down] <<< 切 堤防が決壊する: teibougakekkaisuru check also: ダム
定着pronunciation: teichakukanji characters: 定 , 着 keyword: chemistry translation: fixing, fixation 定着する: teichakusuru: fix, take root (in), be established, be embedded (in) 定着液: teichakueki: fixing solution <<< 液 定着剤: teichakuzai: fixer, fixative <<< 剤 低地pronunciation: teichikanji characters: 低 , 地 keyword: geography translation: low ground, lowlands, bottom land antonyms: 高地 丁重pronunciation: teichoukanji characters: 丁 , 重 other spells: 鄭重 keyword: greeting translation: politeness, chivalry 丁重な: teichouna: polite, chivalrous 丁重に: teichouni: politely, chivalrously synonyms: 丁寧 低調pronunciation: teichoukanji characters: 低 , 調 keyword: sport , market translation: undertone, low tone, dullness, weakness 低調な: teichouna: inactive, inanimate, dull, weak, in a slump, out of form 停電pronunciation: teidenkanji characters: 停 , 電 keyword: electricity translation: blackout, (electric) power suspension [failure, outrages] 停電する: teidensuru: The electric current is cut off [stops], The electric power gives out. 停電だ: teidenda: The current is off, Power has gone off 停電してる: teidenshiteru 計画停電: keikakuteiden: planned blackouts <<< 計画 程度pronunciation: teidokanji characters: 程 , 度 keyword: education translation: grade, degree, standard, limit 程度の高い: teidonotakai: of a high standard [level] <<< 高 程度の低い: teidonohikui: of a low standard [level] <<< 低 程度を上げる: teidooageru: raise the standard <<< 上 程度を下げる: teidoosageru: lower the standard <<< 下 程度を越える: teidookoeru: exceed the limit <<< 越 在る程度: aruteido: a certain extent <<< 在 check also: 基準 , 標準 , レベル , スタンダード
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