Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 蝶鮫,彫像,貯蔵,宙吊り,中部,躊躇,中断,中毒,中学,中元

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Direct access: 蝶鮫 , 彫像 , 貯蔵 , 宙吊り , 中部 , 躊躇 , 中断 , 中毒 , 中学 , 中元


pronunciation: chouzame
kanji characters: ,
other spells: チョウザメ
keyword: fish
translation: sturgeon
check also: キャビア


pronunciation: chouzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: carved statue, sculpture, torso
大理石の彫像: dairisekinochouzou: marble statue <<< 大理石


pronunciation: chozou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: preservation, storing, storage
貯蔵する: chozousuru: preserve, store (up), lay up
貯蔵庫: chozouko: storehouse, storeroom <<< , 倉庫
貯蔵室: chozoushitsu <<<
貯蔵品: chozouhin: stores, stocks <<<
貯蔵瓶: chozoubin: bottling jar, preserving jar <<< , 瓶詰
貯蔵野菜: chozouyasai: preserved vegetable <<< 野菜
貯蔵果物: chozoukudamono: preserved fruit <<< 果物
貯蔵タンク: chozoutanku: storage tank <<< タンク
check also: ストック


pronunciation: chuuZuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: midair suspension
宙吊りに成る: chuuZurininaru: hang [be suspended] in the air [in midair] <<<


pronunciation: chuubu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: central [middle] part [portion], center
中部地区: chuubuchiku: central area [district] <<< 地区
中部地方: chuubuchihou: central region (of Japan), Chubu region <<< 地方
中部電力: chuubudenryoku: Chubu Electric Power Company, CEPCP <<< 電力
中部空港: chuubukuukou: Chubu Centrair International Airport <<< 空港
中部国際空港: chuubukokusaikuukou
check also: 中央 , センター


pronunciation: chuucho
translation: hesitation, scruples
躊躇する: chuuchosuru: hesitate (to do, in doing, about what to do), have scruples (about doing), hang back, waver, dither (about, over)
躊躇う: tamerau
躊躇して: chuuchoshite: hesitatingly, hesitantly, falteringly
躊躇しながら: chuuchoshinagara
躊躇せずに: chuuchosezuni: without hesitation


pronunciation: chuudan
kanji characters: ,
translation: interruption, break (n.)
中断する: chuudansuru: interrupt, break (v.)
時効の中断: jikounochuudan: interruption [suspension] of prescription <<< 時効


pronunciation: chuudoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: poisoning, addiction
中毒する: chuudokusuru: be [get] poisoned
中毒性: chuudokusei: poisonous <<<
中毒死: chuudokushi: death from poisoning <<<
中毒症: chuudokushou: toxicosis <<<
中毒患者: chuudokukanja: poisoned patient <<< 患者
中毒症候: chuudokushoukou: symptom of poisoning <<< 症候
燐中毒: rinchuudoku: phosphorous poisoning, phosphorism <<<
鉛中毒: namarichuudoku: lead poisoning <<<
食中毒: shokuchuudoku: food poisoning <<<
腐敗中毒: huhaichuudoku: septic poisoning <<< 腐敗
阿片中毒: ahenchuudoku: opium poisoning, opiumism <<< 阿片
麻薬中毒: mayakuchuudoku: narcotic (addiction) <<< 麻薬
水銀中毒: suiginchuudoku: mercury poisoning <<< 水銀
薬品中毒: yakuhinchuudoku: drug intoxication <<< 薬品
砒素中毒: hisochuudoku: arsenic poisoning <<< 砒素
集団中毒: shuudanchuudoku: mass food poisoning <<< 集団
ニコチン中毒: nikochinchuudoku: nicotinism <<< ニコチン
サルモネラ中毒: sarumonerachuudoku: salmonella poisoning <<< サルモネラ
カフェイン中毒: kafeinchuudoku: caffeine intoxication <<< カフェイン
ガス中毒: gasuchuudoku: gas poisoning <<< ガス
アルコール中毒: arukooruchuudoku: alcoholism, alcoholic (person) <<< アルコール
モルヒネ中毒: moruhinechuudoku: morphinism <<< モルヒネ
ゲーム中毒: geemuchuudoku: game addiction <<< ゲーム


pronunciation: chuugaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: junior high school, middle school, intermediate school
中学校: chuugakkou <<<
中学生: chuugakusei: junior high school student <<<
check also: 高校


pronunciation: chuugen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: midyear [bon] present [gift]
御中元: ochuugen <<<
check also: 御盆

The displayed words on this page are 621 - 630 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29