Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 運送,運転,自惚れ,裏金,裏側,裏切,裏目,占師,裏庭,浦和

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Direct access: 運送 , 運転 , 自惚れ , 裏金 , 裏側 , 裏切 , 裏目 , 占師 , 裏庭 , 浦和


pronunciation: unsou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: transport, transportation, conveyance, shipment
運送する: unsousuru: transport (v.), convey, carry, ship
運送業: unsougyou: express [forwarding] business, carrying trade <<<
運送業者: unsougyousha: express [forwarding] agent <<< 業者
運送会社: unsougaisha: carrier company, shipper, haulier, forwarding agency, haulage firm <<< 会社
運送店: unsouten: express [forwarding] agency <<<
運送屋: unsouya <<<
運送人: unsounin: carrier <<<
運送船: unsousen: transport ship, cargo boat <<<
運送状: unsoujou: waybill, carriage note, consignment note <<<
運送費: unsouhi: cost of transport, carriage, express charges <<< , 送料
運送料: unsouryou <<<
運送保険: unsouhoken: transport insurance <<< 保険
水上運送: suijouunsou: transportation by water <<< 水上
貨物運送: kamotsuunsou: freight transport <<< 貨物
check also: 運輸 , 輸送 , 運搬


pronunciation: unten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: drive (n.), driving, operation, running, working
運転する: untensuru: drive (v.), run, operate, steer, move
運転手: untenshu: driver, chauffeur, cabman, motorist <<< , ドライバー
運転士: untenshi: engineer, operator, motorman <<<
運転台: untendai: driver's cabin <<<
運転席: untenseki: driver's seat <<<
運転免許: untenmenkyo: driver license <<< 免許
運転免許証: untenmenkyoshou <<<
運転休止: untenkyuushi: suspension of the service <<< 休止
運転間隔: untenkankaku: headway, interval between two trains [buses] <<< 間隔
運転系統: untenkeitou: bus [train] routes <<< 系統
運転技術: untengijutsu: driving skill <<< 技術
運転資金: untenshikin: working fund [capital] <<< 資金
運転資本: untenshihon <<< 資本
試運転: shiunten: trial run [trip], test working <<<
試運転をする: shiuntennosuru: make a trial run
煽り運転: aoriunten: provocative driving <<<
居眠運転する: inemuriuntensuru: doze (off) at the wheel, drive (a car) asleep <<< 居眠
飲酒運転: inshuunten: drunk-driving <<< 飲酒
酔払運転: yopparaiunten: drunk driving <<< 酔払
自動車を運転する: jidoushaountensuru: drive a car <<< 自動車
check also: ドライブ


pronunciation: unubore
kanji characters: ,
translation: self-conceit, vanity
自惚れる: unuboreru: be vain (of), be self-conceited, have a high opinion of oneself, flatter oneself
自惚れた: unuboreta: self-conceited, vainglorious, cocky
自惚れの強い: unuborenotsuyoi <<<
check also: 高慢 , 傲慢


pronunciation: uragane
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: bribe, secret fund


pronunciation: uragawa
kanji characters: ,
translation: hidden side, back (side)
月の裏側: tsukinouragawa: back [hidden] side of the moon <<<


pronunciation: uragiri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , war
translation: betrayal, treachery
裏切る: uragiru: betray, give away, play false
裏切者: uragirimono: betrayer, traitor <<<
裏切行為: uragirikoui: act of treachery, double cross <<< 行為
期待を裏切る: kitaiouragiru: be not up to a person's expectation <<< 期待
信頼を裏切る: shinraiouragiru: betray [fail] a person's trust <<< 信頼
check also: 陰謀 , 反逆 , 背信


pronunciation: urame
kanji characters: ,
translation: unfavorable results
裏目に出る: uramenideru: bring about unfavorable results <<<


pronunciation: uranaishi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 占い師
keyword: fantasy
translation: fortuneteller, palmist


pronunciation: uraniwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: garden
translation: back yard [court], rear garden


pronunciation: urawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Urawa (city, ward)
浦和市: urawashi: City of Urawa (abolished in 2001) <<<
浦和区: urawaku: Urawa ward <<<
浦和レッドダイヤモンズ: urawareddodaiyamonzu: Urawa Red Diamonds (a Japanese soccer club)
浦和レッズ: urawarezzu
check also: Urawa

The displayed words on this page are 8238 - 8247 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29