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喘息pronunciation: zensokukanji characters: 喘 , 息 keyword: disease translation: asthma 喘息の: zensokuno: asthmatic (a.) 喘息性の: zensokuseino <<< 性 喘息患者: zensokukanja: asthmatic patient <<< 患者 喘息発作: zensokuhossa: attack of asthma <<< 発作 全体pronunciation: zentaikanji characters: 全 , 体 keyword: politics translation: the whole, total, all 全体の: zentaino: whole (a.), entire, general, total, global 全体に: zentaini: wholly, entirely, generally 全体で: zentaide: in all, all told 全体として: zentaitoshite: in general, on the whole, generally speaking 全体主義: zentaishugi: totalitarism <<< 主義 全体主義国家: zentaishugikokka: totalitarian state <<< 国家 全体会議: zentaikaigi: general meeting, plenary session <<< 会議 check also: 全身 前提pronunciation: zenteikanji characters: 前 , 提 translation: presupposition, premise (n.) 前提とする: zenteitosuru: presuppose, premise (v.) 前提条件: zenteijouken: precondition <<< 条件 を前提として: ozenteitoshite: assuming [supposing] that 前途pronunciation: zentokanji characters: 前 , 途 translation: the [one's] future, prospect, outlook 前途多難.: zentotanan: There are [lie] a lot of difficulties in the [one's] future. The future looks very black 前途遼遠: zentoryouen: The [our] goal is a long way off. synonyms: 未来
全然pronunciation: zenzenkanji characters: 全 , 然 translation: wholly, entirely, totally, utterly, completely, perfectly, altogether, (not) at all check also: 皆目 絶版pronunciation: zeppan , zetsubankanji characters: 絶 , 版 keyword: book translation: out of print edition 絶版の: zetsubannno: out of print 絶版に成る: zetsubannninaru: go out of edition <<< 成 絶世pronunciation: zesseikanji characters: 絶 , 世 keyword: beauty translation: peerlessness, matchlessness 絶世の: zesseino: peerless, matchless, unique 絶世の美人: zesseinobijin: woman of peerless beauty, the fairest of the fair <<< 美人 絶頂pronunciation: zetchoukanji characters: 絶 , 頂 keyword: nature translation: top, summit, height, zenith, acme 絶頂を極める: zetchouokiwameru: climb to the summit, reach the top <<< 極 絶頂に達する: zetchounitassuru <<< 達 synonyms: 山頂 , 頂点 , ピーク 絶望pronunciation: zetsuboukanji characters: 絶 , 望 translation: despair (n.), hopelessness 絶望する: zetsubousuru: despair of, be driven to despair 絶望的: zetsubouteki: hopeless, desperate <<< 的 絶命pronunciation: zetsumeikanji characters: 絶 , 命 keyword: life translation: death 絶命する: zetsumeisuru: die, expire, breathe one's last check also: 死 , 絶滅
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