Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 化粧,決済,傑作,決算,結石,欠席,血栓,決戦,結社,決死

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Direct access: 化粧 , 決済 , 傑作 , 決算 , 結石 , 欠席 , 血栓 , 決戦 , 結社 , 決死


pronunciation: keshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: cosmetic
translation: makeup (n.), dressing
化粧の: keshouno: cosmetic (a.), for toilet use
化粧用: keshouyou <<<
化粧する: keshousuru: make one's toilet, make up
化粧した: keshoushita: wearing make-up
化粧を直す: keshouonaosu: adjust [fix] one's makeup, arrange one's face <<<
化粧を落す: keshouootosu: remove one's makeup <<<
化粧水: keshousui: face lotion <<<
化粧箱: keshoubako: toilet case <<<
化粧着: keshougi: dressing gown <<<
化粧台: keshoudai: dressing table <<<
化粧室: keshoushitsu: dressing room <<<
化粧品: keshouhin: cosmetic (n.), toilet article <<<
化粧品店: keshouhinten: cosmetic shop <<<
化粧道具: keshoudougu: toilet set <<< 道具
厚化粧: atsugeshou: heavy makeup <<<
薄化粧: usugeshou: light makeup <<<
check also: 洒落 , 美容


pronunciation: kessai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: settlement
決済する: kessaisuru: settle [balance] (an account)
決済日: kessaibi: settlement date <<<
粉飾決済: hunshokukessai: window-dressing settlement <<< 粉飾
電子決済: denshikessai: electronic clearing [payment] <<< 電子
オンライン決済: onrainkessai: online payment <<< オンライン
synonyms: 決算 , 支払


pronunciation: kessaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: one's greatest [best] work, masterpiece
傑作集: kessakushuu: collection of masterpieces <<<
check also: 名作


pronunciation: kessan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: settlement of accounts
決算する: kessansuru: settle [balance] an account, close the books
決算額: kessangaku: settled accounts <<<
決算期: kessanki: settlement term <<<
決算日: kessanbi: settling day <<<
収支決算をする: shuushikessannosuru: strike a balance <<< 収支
期末決算: kimatsukessan: final accounts <<< 期末
後期決算: koukikessan: second term accounts <<< 後期
前期決算: zenkikessan: first term accounts <<< 前期
半期決算: hankikessan: half-yearly closing account <<< 半期
check also: 決済


pronunciation: kesseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: calculus
結石学: kessekigaku: lithology <<<
結石病: kessekibyou: lithiasis <<<
膀胱結石: boukoukesseki: bladder stone, cystolith <<< 膀胱
腎臓結石: jinzoukesseki: renal calculus, kidney stone, nephrolithiasis <<< 腎臓


pronunciation: kesseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: absence, nonattendance
欠席する: kessekisuru: be absent, fail to attend
欠席者: kessekisha: absentee <<<
欠席届: kessekitodoke: report [notice] of absence <<<
欠席裁判: kessekisaiban: judgment by default <<< 裁判
無欠席: mukesseki: regular attendance, nonabsence <<<
病気欠席: byoukikesseki: absence due to illness <<< 病気
長期欠席: choukikesseki: long absence from school <<< 長期
無断欠席: mudankesseki: unauthorized absence <<< 無断
無断欠席する: mudankessekisuru: stay away without leave <<< 無断
check also: 出席 , 欠勤


pronunciation: kessen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: thrombus
血栓症: kessenshou: thrombosis <<<
脳血栓: noukessen: cerebral thrombosis <<<


pronunciation: kessen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: decisive battle
決戦する: kessensuru: fight a decisive battle, fight to a finish


pronunciation: kessha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: association, society
結社を結ぶ: kesshaomusubu: form an association [a society] <<<
結社を作る: kesshaotsukuru <<<
結社の自由: kesshanojiyuu: freedom of association <<< 自由
秘密結社: himitsukessha: secret organization [society] <<< 秘密
check also: 団体


pronunciation: kesshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: desperation, despair
決死の: kesshino: desperate, death-defying
決死の覚悟で: kesshinokakugode: at the risk of one's life, with desperate course <<< 覚悟
決死隊: kesshitai: forlorn hope, suicide corps <<<
check also: 必死

The displayed words on this page are 3735 - 3744 among 8899.
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Last update: 10/01/25 18:10