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kanji characters: 天 , 狗 keyword: legend translation: tengu, long-nosed goblin, braggart, boaster, conceited person 天狗の面: tengunomen: long-nosed mask <<< 面 天狗に成る: tenguninaru: become conceited (with) <<< 成 check also: Tengu 展示
kanji characters: 展 , 示 keyword: art translation: exhibition, display 展示する: tenjisuru: exhibit (v.), display, place [put] (things) on display 展示会: tenjikai: exhibition, show <<< 会 展示品: tenjihin: exhibit (n.) <<< 品 点字
kanji characters: 点 , 字 translation: Braille points [type] 点字を読む: tenjioyomu: read Braille points <<< 読 点字に訳す: tenjiniyakusu: transcribe into Braille <<< 訳 点字書: tenjisho: book in Braille (points) <<< 書 点字本: tenjihon <<< 本 天竺
kanji characters: 天 keyword: asia translation: India (anc.) 天竺の: tenjikuno: Indian 天竺葵: tenjikuaoi: geranium <<< 葵 , ゼラニウム 天竺鼠: tenjikunezumi: guinea pig <<< 鼠 , モルモット 天竺木綿: tenjikumomen: T-cloths <<< 木綿 天竺牡丹: denjikubotan: dahlia <<< 牡丹 , ダリア synonyms: インド
kanji characters: 天 , 井 keyword: house translation: ceiling 天井を張る: tenjouoharu: ceil a room, furnish with a ceiling <<< 張 天井裏で: tenjouurade: on the ceiling <<< 裏 天井知らずの: tenjoushirazuno: skyrocketing <<< 知 天井を打つ: tenjououtsu: reach the ceiling <<< 打 天井窓: tenjoumado: hatch, skylight <<< 窓 天井画: tenjouga: ceiling fresco <<< 画 天井価格: tenjoukakaku: ceiling price, top price <<< 価格 天井桟敷: tenjousajiki: gallery <<< 桟敷 天下
kanji characters: 天 , 下 keyword: history , war translation: whole country, world, public 天下に: tenkani: under the sub [heaven], on earth, in the world 天下に敵なし: tenkanitekinashi: have no rival in the world <<< 敵 天下を取る: tenkaotoru: bring the whole land under one's rule, reign over the whole land, hold the reins of government, come into power <<< 取 天下人: tenkanin, tenkabito: world conqueror <<< 人 , 覇者 天下一品の: tenkaippinnno: unique, unequaled, unparalleled, peerless <<< 一品 天下無双の: tenkamusouno 天下泰平だ: tankataiheida: Peace reigns over the land <<< 泰平 天下分け目の戦い: tenkawakemenotatakai: decisive battle 百日天下: hyakunichitenka: Hundred Days (of Napoleon) <<< 百日 三日天下: mikkatenka: short-lived reign <<< 三日 check also: 世界 添加
kanji characters: 添 , 加 keyword: chemistry translation: addition, annex (n.) 添加する: tenkasuru: add, annex (v.) 添加物: tenkabutsu: additive (substance) <<< 物 無添加: mutenka: without additive <<< 無 弗素添加: hussotenka: fluoridation <<< 弗素 展開
kanji characters: 展 , 開 keyword: war , mathematics translation: deployment, development, evolution, progress 展開する: tenkaisuru: deploy (vi.), develop, spread out, unfurl 展開させる: tenkaisaseru: deploy (vt.), develop 展開部: tenkaibu: development (of a theme) <<< 部 check also: 発展 癲癇
keyword: disease translation: epilepsy 癲癇性の: tenkanseino: epileptic (a.) <<< 性 癲癇持ち: tenkanmochi: epileptic (n.) <<< 持 癲癇を起こす: tenkannookosu: have an epileptic fit <<< 起 転換
kanji characters: 転 , 換 keyword: market , technology translation: conversion, switchover, diversion 転換する: tenkansuru: convert, change, switch over, divert (one's mind from) 転換期: tenkanki: turning point <<< 期 転換炉: tenkanro: converter reactor <<< 炉 転換価格: tenkankakaku: conversion price <<< 価格 転換社債: tenkanshasai: convertible bond, CB <<< 社債 配置転換: haichitenkan: reshuffle [redistribution] of the personnel <<< 配置 気分転換: kibuntenkan: distraction <<< 気分 気分転換する: kibuntenkansuru: amuse [enjoy] oneself, take a break <<< 気分 方向転換: houkoutenkan: change of direction, turn <<< 方向 方向転換する: houkoutenkansuru: change one's course, reorient <<< 方向 職場転換: shokubatenkan: (staff) turnover, transfer <<< 職場
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