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不純pronunciation: hujunkanji characters: 不 , 純 keyword: chemistry translation: impurity 不純な: hujunnna: impure, foul, mixed 不純物: hujunbutsu: impurities <<< 物 不純分子: hujunbunshi: bad elements <<< 分子 優柔不断pronunciation: hujuuhudankanji characters: 優 , 柔 , 不 , 断 translation: irresolution, indecision 優柔不断な: hujuuhudannna: irresolute, indecisive, wavering, vacillating 不可pronunciation: hukakanji characters: 不 , 可 keyword: education translation: insufficiency, unsatisfaction, dissatisfaction 不可の: hukano: wrong, bad, rightless, unauthorized, insufficient, unsatisfactory 不可とする: hukatosuru: be against, disapprove (of) 不可を取る: hukaotoru: fail [get F] (in) <<< 取 不可抗力: hukakouryoku: irresistible force, vis major, juggernaut 不快pronunciation: hukaikanji characters: 不 , 快 translation: displeasure, discomfort 不快な: hukaina: unpleasant, cheerless, jarring 不快に感じる: hukainikanjiru: feel uncomfortable [hurt], be displeased <<< 感 不快な思いをする: hukainaomoiosuru <<< 思 不快な思いをさせる: hukainaomoiosaseru: hurt a person's feelings 不快指数: hukaishisuu: discomfort index <<< 指数
父兄pronunciation: hukeikanji characters: 父 , 兄 keyword: family translation: one's father and elder brother, guardians 父兄会: hukeikai: parents' association <<< 会 付近pronunciation: hukinkanji characters: 付 , 近 other spells: 附近 keyword: geography translation: neighborhood, vicinity, proximity 付近の: hukinnno: neighboring 付近に: hukinnni: in the neighborhood check also: 近所 , 近辺 , 最寄 布巾pronunciation: hukinkanji characters: 布 , 巾 keyword: utensil translation: napkin, dishcloth, dishtowel 布巾で拭く: hukindehuku: wipe with a dishcloth <<< 拭 布巾掛け: hukinkake: towel rail <<< 掛 皿布巾: sarahukin: dishcloth, dishtowel <<< 皿 濡れ布巾: nurehukin: damp cloth <<< 濡 check also: ナプキン 吹抜pronunciation: hukinukekanji characters: 吹 , 抜 keyword: house translation: stairwell check also: 階段 不吉pronunciation: hukitsukanji characters: 不 , 吉 translation: bad omen, bird of ill omen 不吉な: hukitsuna: ill-omened, inauspicious, portentous 不吉な前兆: hukitsunazenchou: ill omen 不吉な予感: hukitsunayokan: ominous presentiment <<< 予感 吹矢pronunciation: hukiyakanji characters: 吹 , 矢 other spells: 吹き矢 keyword: weapon translation: blowgun, blowpipe
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