Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 列車,列島,離脱,利益,利害,利食,利幅,離反,理髪,理事

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Direct access: 列車 , 列島 , 離脱 , 利益 , 利害 , 利食 , 利幅 , 離反 , 理髪 , 理事


pronunciation: ressha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: train
列車に乗る: resshaninoru: take [board] a train <<<
列車で行く: resshadeiku: go by train <<<
列車を降りる: resshaooriru: get off a train <<<
列車に遅れる: resshaniokureru: miss a train <<<
列車係: resshagakari: train dispatcher <<<
列車事故: resshajiko: train [railroad] accident, train crash <<< 事故
列車妨害: resshabougai: train obstruction <<< 妨害
武装列車: busouressha: armored train <<< 武装
通勤列車: tsuukinressha: commuter train <<< 通勤
臨時列車: rinjiressha: special train <<< 臨時
帰省列車: kiseiressha: train for homecoming passengers <<< 帰省
直通列車: chokutsuuressha: nonstop train <<< 直通
高速列車: kousokuressha: high-speed train <<< 高速
装甲列車: soukouressha: armored train <<< 装甲
一番列車: ichibanressha: the first train <<< 一番
回送列車: kaisouressha: out-of-service train, train on a siding <<< 回送
貨物列車: kamotsuressha: freight train <<< 貨物
最終列車: saishuuressha: the last train <<< 最終
旅客列車: ryokakuressha: passenger train <<< 旅客
直行列車: chokkouressha: through train <<< 直行
弾丸列車: danganressha: bullet-express train, flier <<< 弾丸
夜行列車: yakouressha: night train <<< 夜行
普通列車: hutsuuressha: slow [accommodation] train <<< 普通
始発列車: shihatsuressha: the first train <<< 始発
特急列車: tokkyuuressha: special [limited] express train <<< 特急
急行列車: kyuukouressha: express train <<< 急行
軍用列車: gunnyouressha: troop train <<< 軍用
快速列車: kaisokuressha: fast train <<< 快速
特別列車: tokubetsuressha: special train <<< 特別
check also: 汽車


pronunciation: rettou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: archipelago, chain of islands
千島列島: chishimarettou: Kuril Chain, Kuril Islands <<< 千島
宮古列島: miyakorettou: Miyako Islands <<< 宮古
check also: 諸島 , 群島


pronunciation: ridatsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: separation
離脱する: ridatsusuru: separate, secede, break away


pronunciation: rieki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: profit, gain
利益の有る: riekinoaru: profitable, paying, beneficial, advantageous <<<
利益の無い: riekinonai: unprofitable, unpaying <<<
利益の少ない: riekinosukunai: give [yield] little profit <<<
利益に反する: riekinihansuru: be against one's interests <<<
利益を得る: riekioeru: derive benefit from <<<
利益を与える: riekioataeru: benefit, do (a person) good <<<
利益金: riekikin: a profit <<<
純利益金: junriekikin: a net profit <<<
利益分配: riekibunpai: profit sharing, distribution of profits
利益配当: riekihaitou: dividend <<< 配当
利益確定: riekikakutei: profit taking <<< 確定 , 利確
荒利益: ararieki: gross margin [profit] <<<
粗利益: ararieki <<<
不当利益: hutourieki: undue profit, profiteering <<< 不当
synonyms: 所得 , 黒字


pronunciation: rigai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: interests
利害を共にする: rigaiotomonisuru: have common interests (in a matter with a person) <<<
利害に関係が有る: rigainikankeigaaru: affect one's interests, be of (great) concern (to one)
利害関係が有る: rigaikankeigaaru: have an interest [a concern] (in)
利害関係の衝突: rigaikankeinoshoutotsu: clash [conflict] of interests
利害関係者: rigaikankeisha: persons concerned, interested parties


pronunciation: rigui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: profit taking
利食い売り: riguiuri <<<
利食いする: riguisuru: sell one's stocks at a profit
利食い売りする: riguiurisuru


pronunciation: rihaba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: profit margin


pronunciation: rihan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: estrangement, alienation
離反する: rihansuru: be estranged [alienated] (from), revolt (against)


pronunciation: rihatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: hairdressing
理髪師: rihatsushi: barber, hair-dresser <<<
理髪店: rihatsuten: barber shop <<<


pronunciation: riji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: director, trustee
理事に成る: rijininaru: obtain a seat on the board of directors <<<
理事に選ばれ: rurijinierabareru: be elected to the board of directors <<<
理事会: rijikai: board of directors <<<
理事長: rijichou: chairman of the board of directors <<<
専任理事: sennninriji: full-time trustee <<< 専任
財務理事: zaimuriji: financial administrator <<< 財務

The displayed words on this page are 5869 - 5878 among 8899.
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Last update: 10/01/25 18:10