Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 分岐,文明,分野,分与,分泌,文筆,文法,分布,分裂,分離

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Direct access: 分岐 , 文明 , 分野 , 分与 , 分泌 , 文筆 , 文法 , 分布 , 分裂 , 分離


pronunciation: bunki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , train
translation: fork (n.), branch (n.), ramification, divergence
分岐する: bunkisuru: fork (v.), branch off, ramify, diverge
分岐点: bunkiten: turning point, junction, watershed <<<
分岐地点: bunkichiten <<< 地点


pronunciation: bunmei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: civilization
文明の: bunmeino: civilized, civilizing (a.)
文明化: bunmeika: civilizing (n.) <<<
文明化する: bunmeikasuru: civilize
文明国: bunmeikoku: civilized country <<<
文明人: bunmeijin: civilized (people) <<<
文明世界: bunmeisekai: civilized world <<< 世界
機械文明: kikaibunmei: machine civilization <<< 機械
物質文明: busshitsubunmei: material civilization <<< 物質
古代文明: kodaibunmei: ancient civilization <<< 古代
高度の文明: koudonobunmei: high level of civilization <<< 高度
東洋文明: touyoubunmei: eastern civilization, Asian civilization <<< 東洋
西洋文明: seiyoubunmei: western civilization, European civilization <<< 西洋
ラテン文明: ratenbunmei: Latin civilization <<< ラテン
エジプト文明: ejiputobunmei: Egyptian civilization <<< エジプト
インカ文明: inkabunmei: Incaic Civilization <<< インカ
マヤ文明: mayabunmei: Maya civilization <<< マヤ
エーゲ文明: eegebunmei: Aegean civilizations <<< エーゲ
ギリシャ文明: girishabunmei: Hellenic [Greek] civilization, Hellenism <<< ギリシャ
check also: 文化


pronunciation: bunnya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , science
translation: field, ground (of study), discipline, domain
新分野: shinbunnya: new field <<<
活動分野: katsudoubunnya: scope of activity <<< 活動
専門分野: senmonbunnya: subject, field, specialty, speciality, professional discipline, specialist area <<< 専門
check also: 部門


pronunciation: bunnyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: distribution
分与する: bunnyosuru: distribute


pronunciation: bunpitsu , bunpi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: secretion
分泌する: bunpitsusuru: secrete
分泌を促す: bunpitsuounagasu: secretive, secretory <<<
分泌液: bunpitsueki: secreting fluid <<<
分泌腺: bunpitsusen: secreting gland <<<
分泌器官: bunpitsukikan: secretory organ <<< 器官
唾液分泌: daekibunpi: salivation <<< 唾液


pronunciation: bunpitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: writing
文筆の才が有る: bunpitsunosaigaaru: have a talent for writing
文筆で食う: bunpitsudekuu: live by one's pen <<<
文筆で生活する: bunpitsudeseikatsusuru <<< 生活
文筆家: bunpitsuka: writer <<<
文筆業: bunpitsugyou: literary profession [pursuits] <<<


pronunciation: bunpou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: grammar
文法の: bunpouno: grammatical
文法上: bunpoujou <<<
文法書: bunpousho: grammar book <<<
文法学者: bunpougakusha: grammarian <<< 学者
英文法: eibunpou: English grammar <<<
仏文法: hutsubunpou: French grammar <<<
独文法: dokubunpou: German grammar <<<
初級文法: shokyuubunpou: basic grammar <<< 初級
規範文法: kihanbunpou: prescriptive grammar <<< 規範
変形文法: henkeibunpou: transformational grammar <<< 変形


pronunciation: bunpu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: distribution
分布する: bunpusuru: be distributed
分布図: bunpuzu: distribution chart <<<
分布曲線: bunpukyokusen: distribution curve <<< 曲線


pronunciation: bunretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , disease
translation: division, split (n.), fission, schism
分裂する: bunretsusuru: divide, split (v.)
分裂症: bunretsushou: schizophrenia <<<
分裂症の: bunretsushouno: schizophrenic (a.)
分裂症患者: bunretsushoukanja: schizophrenic (n.) <<< 患者
分裂菌: bunretsukin: fission fungus <<<
分裂生殖: bunretsuseishoku: schizogenesis <<< 生殖
核分裂: kakubunretsu: nuclear fission <<<
内部分裂: naibubunretsu: internal disunion <<< 内部
精神分裂: seishinbunretsu: split personality, schizophrenia <<< 精神
細胞分裂: saiboubunretsu: cell division <<< 細胞
antonyms: 融合


pronunciation: bunri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , politics
translation: separation, detachment, isolation, disjunction
分離する: bunrisuru: separate, detach, isolate, disjoin
分離器: bunriki: separator <<<
分離派: bunriha: separatist <<<
分離主義: bunrishugi: separatism <<< 主義

The displayed words on this page are 385 - 394 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29