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末路pronunciation: matsurokanji characters: 末 , 路 keyword: life translation: end, fate 哀れな末路: awarenamatsuro: bitter [tragic] end <<< 哀 松島pronunciation: matsushimakanji characters: 松 , 島 keyword: japan translation: Matsushima (a Japanese tourist resort) 松島湾: matsushimawan: Matsushima Bay <<< 湾 東松島市: higashimatsushimashi: City of Higashimatsushima check also: Matsushima 松茸pronunciation: matsutakekanji characters: 松 , 茸 keyword: vegetable translation: matsutake mushroom 松茸狩り: matsutakegari: matsutake gathering <<< 狩 松茸狩りをする: matsutakegariosuru: gather matsutake 末端pronunciation: mattankanji characters: 末 , 端 keyword: business translation: end, tip 末端価格: mattankakaku: retail price, street value <<< 価格 末端機構: mattankikou: the smallest unit (of an organization) <<< 機構 check also: 端末
真上pronunciation: mauekanji characters: 真 , 上 keyword: position translation: right [just] above position 真上に: maueni: right [just] above [over, upon] antonyms: 真下 麻薬pronunciation: mayakukanji characters: 麻 , 薬 keyword: drug , crime translation: drug, narcotic, dope 麻薬を密売する: mayakuomitsubaisuru: peddle [traffic] narcotics <<< 密売 麻薬取引: mayakutorihiki: drug traffic <<< 取引 麻薬密売: mayakumitsubai <<< 密売 麻薬密売者: mayakumitsubaisha: drug peddler <<< 者 麻薬中毒: mayakuchuudoku: narcotic (addiction) <<< 中毒 麻薬患者: mayakukanja: narcotic addict <<< 患者 麻薬常用者: mayakujouyousha check also: 阿片 , モルヒネ 眉毛pronunciation: mayugekanji characters: 眉 , 毛 keyword: body translation: eyebrows 眉毛を抜く: mayugeonuku: pluck one's eyebrows <<< 抜 太い眉毛: hutoimayuge: bushy eyebrows <<< 太 check also: 睫毛 眉唾pronunciation: mayutsubakanji characters: 眉 , 唾 translation: saliva on the eyebrows (so as not to be fooled) 眉唾物: mayutsubamono: fake history, deception, phantasmagoria <<< 物 眉墨pronunciation: mayuzumikanji characters: 眉 , 墨 keyword: cosmetic translation: eyebrow pencil 目当てpronunciation: meatekanji characters: 目 , 当 keyword: travel translation: guide (n.), target, aim 目当てにする: meatenisuru: target (v.), aim, count [rely] on check also: 目的
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