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kanji characters: 歯 , 科 keyword: medicine translation: dentistry, dental surgery, dental medicine 歯科医: shikai: dentist <<< 医 歯科病院: shikabyouin: dental clinic [hospital] <<< 病院 歯科医院: shikaiin: dentist's office <<< 医院 歯科大学: shikadaigaku: dental college <<< 大学 仕返し
kanji characters: 仕 , 返 translation: revenge, retaliation, reprisal, tit for tat 仕返しに: shikaeshini: in retaliation [reprisal] 仕返しする: shikaeshisuru: revenge oneself [be revenged] on (a person), give (a person) tit for tat, retaliate, pay off old scores, get even with (a person) for 視界
kanji characters: 視 , 界 translation: range of vision, field of view 視界に入る: shikainihairu: come into view <<< 入 視界を去る: shikaiosaru: go out of sight, disappear <<< 去 視界を遮る: shikaiosaegiru: obstruct the view <<< 遮 check also: 視野 司会
kanji characters: 司 , 会 keyword: show translation: chairmanship 司会する: shikaisuru: preside, chair (v.) 司会で: shikaide: presided over by 司会人: shikainin: president, chairman, master of ceremonies <<< 人 司会者: shikaisha <<< 者
kanji characters: 仕 , 掛 keyword: mechanics translation: contrivance, device, mechanism 仕掛ける: shikakeru: begin (to do), commence (doing, to do), set about (one's work, doing), set up, install 仕掛花火: shikakehanabi: a set piece of fireworks <<< 花火 仕掛爆弾: shikakebakudan: time bomb <<< 爆弾 大仕掛けの: oojikakeno: of a large scale <<< 大 罠を仕掛ける: wanaoshikakeru: set a trap (for) <<< 罠 爆弾を仕掛ける: bakudannoshikakeru: plant an explosive <<< 爆弾 発条仕掛の: banejikakeno: spring-loaded, worked by a spring <<< 発条 鼠捕りを仕掛ける: nezumitorioshikakeru: set a trap for rats <<< 鼠捕り 喧嘩を仕掛る: kenkaoshikakeru: provoke (a person) to a quarrel, pick a quarrel (with a person) <<< 喧嘩 check also: 絡繰 資格
kanji characters: 資 , 格 keyword: education , sport translation: qualification, competency, capacity 資格が有る: shikakugaaru: be qualified, competent, eligible <<< 有 資格が無い: shikakuganai: be unqualified, incompetent <<< 無 資格を得る: shikakuoeru: obtain qualification <<< 得 資格を失う: shikakuoushinau: be disqualified <<< 失 資格を与える: shikakuoataeru: qualify, entitle <<< 与 資格を奪う: shikakuoubau: disqualify <<< 奪 資格審査: shikakushinsa: examination of qualification <<< 審査 資格喪失: shikakusoushitsu: disqualification <<< 喪失 資格証明: shikakushoumei: qualification certificate <<< 証明 入学資格: nyuugakushikaku: requirements for admission <<< 入学 会員資格: kaiinshikaku: qualification of membership <<< 会員 出場資格: shutsujoushikaku: qualification (for participation) <<< 出場 応募資格: ouboshikaku: qualification requirements <<< 応募 在留資格: zairyuushikaku: right of residence <<< 在留 受験資格: jukenshikaku: qualification for an examination <<< 受験 四角
kanji characters: 四 , 角 keyword: mathematics translation: square (n.), quadrangle 四角形: shikakukei <<< 形 四角張る: shikakubaru: be formal (stiff, starchy), stand on ceremony <<< 張 四角の: shikakuno: square (a.), quadrilateral 刺客
kanji characters: 刺 , 客 keyword: crime , politics translation: stabber, assassin check also: 暗殺 視覚
kanji characters: 視 , 覚 keyword: health translation: vision, eyesight, sense of sight 視覚教育: shikakukyouiku: visual education <<< 教育 視覚芸術: shikakugeijutsu: visual arts <<< 芸術 視覚言語: shikakugengo: visual language <<< 言語 視覚障害者: shikakushougaisha: visually impaired person, visually handicapped <<< 盲 士官
kanji characters: 士 , 官 keyword: war translation: officer, military officer, naval officer 下士官: kashikan: non-commissioned officer, petty officer <<< 下 士官学校: shikangakkou: military academy, naval college <<< 学校 士官候補生: shikankouhosei: probational officer, midshipman 士官集会所: shikanshuukaijo: officers' mess 陸軍士官: rikugunshikan: military officer, army officer <<< 陸軍 海軍士官: kaigunshikan: naval officer <<< 海軍 見習士官: minaraishikan: probational officer <<< 見習 check also: 将校
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