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募金pronunciation: bokinkanji characters: 募 , 金 keyword: politics translation: fund raising 募金する: bokinsuru: raise money, collect contributions 募金箱: bokinbako: collection box <<< 箱 募金運動: bokinnundou: campaign to raise funds <<< 運動 街頭募金: gaitoubokin: street fund-raising <<< 街頭 木剣pronunciation: bokkenkanji characters: 木 , 剣 keyword: martial art translation: wooden sword check also: 竹刀 勃起pronunciation: bokkikanji characters: 起 keyword: sex translation: erection 勃起する: bokkisuru: stand erect, become stiff 母国pronunciation: bokokukanji characters: 母 , 国 keyword: geography translation: one's mother country, (one's) homeland 母国語: bokokugo: one's mother [native] tongue <<< 語 check also: 自国 , 祖国
牧場pronunciation: bokujoukanji characters: 牧 , 場 keyword: animal translation: ranch, pasture, stock farm, meadow 牧場主: bokujounushi: owner of a stock farm, rancher <<< 主 撲滅pronunciation: bokumetsukanji characters: 撲 , 滅 keyword: society translation: eradication, extermination 撲滅する: bokumetsusuru: eradicate, exterminate, stamp [wipe] out, put down 撲滅運動: bokumetsuundou: movement [crusade, campaign] against <<< 運動 synonyms: 退治 牧師pronunciation: bokushikanji characters: 牧 , 師 keyword: christianity translation: priest, pastor, minister, clergyman, rector, chaplain 牧師に成る: bokushininaru: take holy orders <<< 成 牧師館: bokushikan: manse, presbytery, vicarage <<< 館 check also: 神父 僕達pronunciation: bokutachikanji characters: 僕 , 達 translation: we (masculine), us 僕達は: bokutachiwa: we are 僕達の: bokutachino: our 僕達に: bokutachini: us, to us synonyms: 私達 , 我々 盆地pronunciation: bonchikanji characters: 盆 , 地 keyword: geography translation: basin, valley, hollow 甲府盆地: kouhubonchi: Kofu valley [basin] <<< 甲府 松本盆地: matsumotobonchi: Matsumoto Valley <<< 松本 凡人pronunciation: bonjinkanji characters: 凡 , 人 translation: ordinary person, man 凡人ではない: bonjindehanai: be no ordinary man
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