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高原pronunciation: kougen , takaharakanji characters: 高 , 原 keyword: geography translation: plateau, tableland 高原地帯: kougenchitai: highlands <<< 地帯 synonyms: 高地 光源pronunciation: kougenkanji characters: 光 , 源 keyword: optics translation: source of light 公言pronunciation: kougenkanji characters: 公 , 言 translation: public declaration 公言する: kougensuru: declare in public, profess, tell the world 膠原病pronunciation: kougenbyoukanji characters: 原 , 病 keyword: disease translation: connective tissue disease [disorder], collagen disease, collagenopathy, collagenosis
抗議pronunciation: kougikanji characters: 抗 , 議 keyword: politics translation: protestation, objection 抗議する: kougisuru: protest, object 抗議集会: kougishuukai: protest rally <<< 集会 抗議声明: kougiseimei: protest statement <<< 声明 抗議運動: kougiundou: protest movement <<< 運動 抗議デモ: kougidemo: protest demonstration <<< デモ 講義pronunciation: kougikanji characters: 講 , 義 keyword: education translation: lecture (n.), discourse 講義する: kougisuru: lecture (on a subject), deliver [give] a lecture (on), give a course (in) 講義に出る: kouginideru: attend [be present at] a lecture <<< 出 講義に出席する: kouginishussekisuru <<< 出席 講義を怠ける: kougionamakeru: cut a lecture <<< 怠 講義録: kougiroku: correspondence course, transcript of lectures <<< 録 公開講義: koukaikougi: extension lecture <<< 公開 check also: 講座 , 授業 交互pronunciation: kougokanji characters: 交 , 互 translation: reciprocity 交互の: kougono: reciprocal, mutual, alternate 交互に: kougoni: reciprocally, mutually, alternately, by turns 交互作用: kougosayou: interaction, reciprocal action <<< 作用 synonyms: 相互 口語pronunciation: kougokanji characters: 口 , 語 keyword: grammar translation: spoken [colloquial] language 口語の: kougono: spoken, colloquial 口語体: kougotai: colloquial style, colloquialism <<< 体 antonyms: 文語 皇后pronunciation: kougoukanji characters: 皇 , 后 keyword: history translation: empress, queen 皇后陛下: kougouheika: Her Majesty the Empress <<< 陛下 マチルダ皇后: machirudakougou: Empress Matilda <<< マチルダ check also: 皇帝 興行pronunciation: kougyoukanji characters: 興 , 行 keyword: show , sport translation: performance, exhibition, show 興行する: kougyousuru: give performances, exhibit 興行団: kougyoudan: company, troupe <<< 団 興行師: kougyoushi: show proprietor, showman <<< 師 興行主: kougyounushi: promoter <<< 主 興行界: kougyoukai: entertainment world <<< 界 興行物: kougyoubutsu: performance, show piece <<< 物 興行権: kougyouken: performing rights <<< 権 夜興行: yorukougyou: soiree, night representation <<< 夜 昼興行: hirukougyou: matinee <<< 昼 夜間興行: yakankougyou: evening performance [show] <<< 夜間 長期興行: choukikougyou: long run (of a play) <<< 長期 初日興行: shonichikougyou: opening performance, the première <<< 初日 深夜興行: shinnyakougyou: midnight show <<< 深夜 サーカスを興行する: saakasuokougyousuru: run a circus <<< サーカス check also: 巡業
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