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焦燥pronunciation: shousoukanji characters: 焦 , 燥 translation: fretfulness, impatience 焦燥をかんじる: shousouokanjiru: feel impatient [restless], fret 憔悴pronunciation: shousuitranslation: emaciation, exhaustion 憔悴する: shousuisuru: become haggard [gaunt, thin, emaciated], waste away, lose flesh 憔悴した: shousuishita: haggard, gaunt, emaciated, worn-out, exhausted 小数pronunciation: shousuukanji characters: 小 , 数 keyword: mathematics translation: decimal, fraction 小数点: shousuuten: decimal point <<< 点 小数位: shousuui: decimal place <<< 位 循環小数: junkanshousuu: recurring [circulating] decimals <<< 循環 少数pronunciation: shousuukanji characters: 少 , 数 keyword: politics translation: small number, a few, a blip, minority 少数の: shousuuno: few (a.), minor, minority 少数党: shousuutou: minority party <<< 党 少数派: shousuuha: minority <<< 派 少数意見: shousuuiken: opinion of the minority <<< 意見 少数内閣: shousuunaikaku: minority government <<< 内閣 少数民族: shousuuminzoku: minority race <<< 民族 少数民族問題: shousuuminzokumondai: minority problem <<< 問題 antonyms: 多数
小隊pronunciation: shoutaikanji characters: 小 , 隊 keyword: war translation: platoon 小隊長: shoutaichou: platoon leader [commander] <<< 長 check also: 師団 , 連隊 , 大隊 , 中隊 招待pronunciation: shoutaikanji characters: 招 , 待 keyword: amusement translation: invitation 招待する: shoutaisuru: invite [ask] (a person to) 招待を受ける: shoutaioukeru: receive an invitation (to), be invited [asked] (to) <<< 受 招待に応じる: shoutainioujiru: accept an invitation <<< 応 招待を断る: shoutaiokotowaru: decline an invitation <<< 断 招待会: shoutaikai: reception, at-home <<< 会 招待客: shoutaikyaku: invited guest <<< 客 招待券: shoutaiken: invitation [complimentary] ticket <<< 券 招待状: shoutaijou: invitation card, letter of invitation <<< 状 招待席: shoutaiseki: reserved seat (for a guest) <<< 席 招待日: shoutaibi: day of invited guests, preview <<< 日 招待試合: shoutaijiai: invitation game <<< 試合 正体pronunciation: shoutaikanji characters: 正 , 体 translation: one's true character [colors] 正体を現す: shoutaioarawasu: show one's true colors, throw off one's mask <<< 現 正体を隠す: shoutaiokakusu: wear a mask, disguise oneself <<< 隠 正体を掴む: shoutaiotsukamu: grasp the true character <<< 掴 正体を暴く: shoutaioabaku <<< 暴 焦点pronunciation: shoutenkanji characters: 焦 , 点 keyword: physics translation: focus (n.), focal point 焦点が合う: shoutengaau: be in focus <<< 合 焦点がずれる: shoutengazureru: be out of focus 焦点を合わせる: shoutennoawaseru: focus (v.) 焦点面: shoutenmen: focal plane <<< 面 焦点距離: shoutenkyori: focal distance <<< 距離 焦点深度: shoutenshindo: depth of a focus レンズの焦点: renzunoshouten: focus of a lens <<< レンズ check also: レンズ 商店pronunciation: shoutenkanji characters: 商 , 店 keyword: shop translation: store, shop 商店街: shoutengai: shopping street [district, center] <<< 街 check also: ショップ 衝突pronunciation: shoutotsukanji characters: 衝 , 突 keyword: transport translation: collision, crash (n.), prang 衝突する: shoutotsusuru: collide, crash (v.), hit, prang 空中衝突: kuuchuushoutotsu: midair collision <<< 空中 正面衝突: shoumenshoutotsu: head-on collision <<< 正面 三重衝突: sanjuushoutotsu: triple car accident <<< 三重 玉突衝突: tamatsukishoutotsu: chain-reaction traffic accident, chain [serial] accident <<< 玉突
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