Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 結局,血球,検便,顕微鏡,見物,見地,建築,顕著,県庁,堅調

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Direct access: 結局 , 血球 , 検便 , 顕微鏡 , 見物 , 見地 , 建築 , 顕著 , 県庁 , 堅調


pronunciation: kekkyoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: after all, eventually, finally, ultimately
結局の所: kekkyokunotokoro <<<


pronunciation: kekkyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: blood corpuscle
血球素: kekkyuuso: hemoglobin <<<
血球数: kekkyuusuu: blood count <<<
白血球: hakkekkyuu: white corpuscle, leukocyte <<<
赤血球: sekkekkyuu: red corpuscle, erythrocyte <<<


pronunciation: kenben
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: medicine
translation: stool test, examination of feces
検便する: kenbensuru: examine a person's feces


pronunciation: kenbikyou
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: optics
translation: microscope
顕微鏡の: kenbikyouno: microscopic
顕微鏡的: kenbikyouteki <<<
顕微鏡で見る: kenbikyoudemiru: look at (a thing) through a microscope, see (a thing) under a microscope <<<
顕微鏡で調べる: kenbikyoudeshiraberu: examine through a microscope <<< 調
顕微鏡検査: kenbikyoukensa: microscopic examination <<< 検査
顕微鏡写真: kenbikyoushashin: microphotograph <<< 写真
電子顕微鏡: denshikenbikyou: electronic microscope <<< 電子


pronunciation: kenbutsu , mimono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , travel
translation: sight-seeing, theater-going, play-going
見物する: kenbutsusuru: see, look at [on], watch, visit
見物に行く: kenbutsuniiku: go sight-seeing <<<
見物人: kenbutsunin: visitor, sightseer, spectator, audience, looker-on, by-stander <<<
見物席: kenbutsuseki: seat, stand, box seats, gallery <<<
名所見物する: meishokenbutsusuru: see [do] the sights <<< 名所
芝居見物: shibaikenbutsu: play-going <<< 芝居
check also: 観光 , 観劇


pronunciation: kenchi
kanji characters: ,
translation: standpoint, point of view, viewpoint
此の見地から: konokenchikara: from this point of view <<<


pronunciation: kenchiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , construction
translation: architecture, building, construction
建築する: kenchikusuru: build, construct, erect
建築中: kenchikuchuu: under construction <<<
建築費: kenchikuhi: construction [building] costs <<<
建築物: kenchikubutsu: an edifice, building <<<
建築学: kenchikugaku: architecture <<<
建築家: kenchikuka: architect <<<
建築技師: kenchikugishi <<< 技師
建築士: kenchikushi: registered architect <<<
建築法: kenchikuhou: building regulations <<<
建築業: kenchikugyou: building industry <<<
建築業者: kenchikugyousha: builder, building contractor <<< 業者
建築会社: kenchikugaisha: building company <<< 会社
建築工事: kenchikukouji: construction work <<< 工事
建築様式: kenchikuyoushiki: style of building, architecture <<< 様式
耐震建築: taishinkenchiku: earthquake-proof building <<< 耐震
土木建築: dobokukenchiku: civil engineering and construction <<< 土木
鉄骨建築: tekkotsukenchiku: steel-frame building <<< 鉄骨
違法建築: ihoukenchiku: illegal [unlawful] construction <<< 違法
寺院建築: jiinkenchiku: religious architecture <<< 寺院
ブロック建築: burokkukenchiku: block building <<< ブロック
バロック建築: barokkukenchiku: baroque architecture <<< バロック
ゴシック建築: goshikkukenchiku: Gothic architecture <<< ゴシック
check also: 建物 , 建設


pronunciation: kencho
kanji characters: ,
translation: manifestation, notability, clearness
顕著な: kenchona: manifest, notable, clear, obvious


pronunciation: kenchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: prefectural office
県庁所在地: kenchoushozaichi: seat of prefectural government


pronunciation: kenchou
kanji characters: , 調
keyword: market
translation: bullishness
堅調な: kenchouna: bullish

The displayed words on this page are 3609 - 3618 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29