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短針pronunciation: tanshinkanji characters: 短 , 針 keyword: mechanics translation: short [hour] hand (of clock) check also: 長針 短所pronunciation: tanshokanji characters: 短 , 所 translation: weak point, shortcoming, fault 短所を補う: tanshoooginau: make up for a defect <<< 補 短所を直す: tanshoonaosu: remedy a defect <<< 直 長所短所: choushotansho: merits and demerits, strong and weak points <<< 長所 antonyms: 長所 端緒pronunciation: tansho , tanchokanji characters: 端 , 緒 translation: start, beginning, origin 端緒を開く: tanshoohiraku: begin, start, , commence, initiate <<< 開 check also: 起源 短縮pronunciation: tanshukukanji characters: 短 , 縮 keyword: job translation: shortening, curtailment, reduction 短縮する: tanshukusuru: shorten, curtail, reduce 操業短縮: sougyoutanshuku: short-time operation <<< 操業
炭素pronunciation: tansokanji characters: 炭 , 素 keyword: chemistry , material translation: carbon 炭素の: tansono: carbonic 炭素を除く: tansoonozoku: decarbonize <<< 除 炭素と化合させる: tansotokagousaseru: carbonize <<< 化合 炭素棒: tansobou: carbon rod <<< 棒 炭素繊維: tansosenni: carbon [graphite] fiber <<< 繊維 炭素化合物: tansokagoubutsu: carbon compound 箪笥pronunciation: tansuother spells: タンス keyword: furniture translation: chest of drawers, cabinet 箪笥の引出し: tansunohikidashi: drawer <<< 引出 箪笥貯金: tansuchokin: hoarded money <<< 貯金 整理箪笥: seiridansu: commode <<< 整理 洋服箪笥: youhukudansu: wardrobe <<< 洋服 ベビー箪笥: bebiidansu: small-sized commode <<< ベビー check also: クローゼット 淡水pronunciation: tansuikanji characters: 淡 , 水 keyword: nature translation: fresh water 淡水魚: tansuigyo: freshwater fish <<< 魚 淡水湖: tansuiko: fresh-water lake <<< 湖 check also: 海水 , 真水 炭水化物pronunciation: tansuikabutsukanji characters: 炭 , 水 , 化 , 物 keyword: biology , chemistry translation: carbohydrate check also: 澱粉 単数pronunciation: tansuukanji characters: 単 , 数 keyword: grammar translation: singular (n.) 単数の: tansuuno: singular (a.) 単数形: tansuukei: singular form <<< 形 単数名詞: tansuumeishi: singular noun <<< 名詞 check also: 複数 探偵pronunciation: tanteikanji characters: 探 , 偵 keyword: security translation: detective, criminal agent, sleuth, plainclothesman 探偵する: tanteisuru: investigate [inquire into] (a matter) secretly, spy (upon a person) 探偵犬: tanteiken: police [cop] dog <<< 犬 探偵小説: tanteishousetsu: detective story <<< 小説 名探偵: meitantei: famous detective <<< 名 名探偵コナン: meitanteikonan: Case Closed (a Japanese manga, 1994-) <<< コナン 秘密探偵: himitsutantei: secret agent <<< 秘密 私立探偵: shiritsutantei: private detective <<< 私立 check also: スパイ
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