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悲惨pronunciation: hisankanji characters: 悲 , 惨 keyword: life translation: tragedy, misery 悲惨な: hisannna: tragic, miserable, wretched, distressful, dire 悲惨を極める: hisannokiwameru: be in the depth of misery <<< 極 悲惨な最期: hisannnasaigo: tragic death [end] <<< 最期 悲惨な最期を遂げる: hisannnasaigootogeru: meet with a tragic death [end] <<< 遂 悲惨な生活: hisannnaseikatsu: miserable [wretched] life, dog's life <<< 生活 悲惨な光景: hisannnakoukei: terrible sight <<< 光景 久し振りpronunciation: hisashiburikanji characters: 久 , 振 other spells: 久しぶり keyword: time translation: after a long interval 久し振りに: hisashiburini 久し振りに会う: hisashiburiniau: meet a person after a long separation <<< 会 久し振りに対面する: hisashiburinitaimensuru <<< 対面 飛車pronunciation: hishakanji characters: 飛 , 車 keyword: game translation: one of pieces of Japanese chess 高飛車: takabisha: a tactic of Japanese chess (which consists to move this piece to the enemy position) <<< 高 高飛車な: takabishana: highhanded, authoritative 高飛車な態度: takabishanataido: highhanded [authoritative] tone <<< 態度 高飛車に言う: takabishaniiu: speak in a highhanded [authoritative] tone <<< 言 高飛車に話す: takabishanihanasu <<< 話 高飛車に出る: takabishanideru: act highhandedly [with a high hand] <<< 出 check also: 将棋 菱形pronunciation: hishigatakanji characters: 菱 , 形 other spells: ひし形 keyword: mathematics translation: lozenge, rhombus 菱形の: hishigatano: lozenge-shaped, rhombic 菱形模様: hishigatamoyou: diaper <<< 模様
秘書pronunciation: hishokanji characters: 秘 , 書 keyword: office translation: secretary 秘書の: hishono: secretarial 秘書課: hishoka: secretariat section <<< 課 秘書科: hishoka: secretarial course <<< 科 秘書官: hishokan: private secretary <<< 官 大統領秘書: daitouryouhisho: presidential secretary <<< 大統領 check also: 官房 避暑pronunciation: hishokanji characters: 避 , 暑 translation: summering 避暑に行く: hishoniiku: summer (at, in), go to a summer resort <<< 行 避暑地: hishochi: summer resort <<< 地 避暑客: hishokyaku: summer visitor <<< 客 check also: 夏休 飛翔pronunciation: hishoukanji characters: 飛 , 翔 keyword: bird , sport translation: fly (n.), flying, jump, jumping 飛翔する: hishousuru: fly (v.), jump, take a run 砒素pronunciation: hisokanji characters: 素 keyword: chemistry translation: arsenic 砒素中毒: hisochuudoku: arsenic poisoning <<< 中毒 必殺pronunciation: hissatsukanji characters: 必 , 殺 keyword: sport , game translation: mortality 必殺の: hissatsuno: mortal, deadly 必殺技: hissatsuwaza: mortal [deadly] trick [technique] <<< 技 必死pronunciation: hisshikanji characters: 必 , 死 keyword: war , sport translation: despair 必死の: hisshino: desperate, frantic 必死に: hisshini: desperately, for one's life 必死に泳ぐ: hisshinioyogu: swim for one's life <<< 泳 必死の努力をする: hisshinodoryokuosuru: make desperate efforts <<< 努力 必死に抵抗する: hisshiniteikousuru: resist fiercely <<< 抵抗 check also: 決死
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