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趣旨pronunciation: shushikanji characters: 趣 , 旨 translation: sense, meaning, intention, object, objective, substance, content, purport 種子pronunciation: shushikanji characters: 種 , 子 keyword: plant translation: seed 種子植物: shushishokubutsu: spermatophyte <<< 植物 check also: 胞子 主審pronunciation: shushinkanji characters: 主 , 審 keyword: sport translation: chief umpire, umpire-in-chief 主食pronunciation: shushokukanji characters: 主 , 食 keyword: food translation: staple food, principal dish 米を主食とする: komeoshushokutosuru: live on rice <<< 米 check also: 御数
首相pronunciation: shushoukanji characters: 首 , 相 keyword: politics translation: prime minister, chancellor (of Germany) 首相官邸: shushoukantei: official residence of prime minister <<< 官邸 check also: 大臣 出産pronunciation: shussankanji characters: 出 , 産 keyword: medicine , life translation: childbirth, delivery, maternity 出産する: shussansuru: deliver, give birth 出産祝い: shussanniwai: (gift in) celebration of a birth <<< 祝 出産届: shussantodoke: report of a birth <<< 届 出産率: shussanritsu: birthrate, natality rate <<< 率 出産制限: shussanseigen: birth control <<< 制限 出産休暇: shussankyuuka: maternity leave <<< 休暇 出産予定日: shussanyoteibi: term 代理出産: dairishussan: surrogacy <<< 代理 synonyms: 出生 check also: 分娩 出世pronunciation: shussekanji characters: 出 , 世 keyword: job translation: success in life 出世する: shussesuru: succeed in life, rise in the world, be promoted 出世が速い: shussegahayai: move up quickly, set up fast <<< 速 出世頭: shussegashira: the most successful man (of the same generation) <<< 頭 check also: 昇進 出席pronunciation: shussekikanji characters: 出 , 席 keyword: education translation: presence, attendance 出席する: shussekisuru: be present, attend 出席を取る: shussekiotoru: call the roll [names] <<< 取 出席簿: shussekibo: roll book <<< 簿 出席表: shussekihyou: table of attendance <<< 表 出席者: shussekisha: person present, those present, attendance <<< 者 出席数: shussekisuu: attendance <<< 数 出席率: shussekiritsu: percentage of attendance <<< 率 出席日数: shussekinissuu: number of attendances, days attended <<< 日数 皆出席: minashusseki: complete attendance <<< 皆 講義に出席する: kouginishussekisuru: attend [be present at] a lecture <<< 講義 学会に出席する: gakkainishussekisuru: attend the congress <<< 学会 礼拝に出席する: reihainishussekisuru: attend a service <<< 礼拝 check also: 欠席 , 出勤 出資pronunciation: shusshikanji characters: 出 , 資 keyword: finance translation: investment, financing 出資する: shusshisuru: invest one's money (in a business, enterprise), contribute money (to), finance (an enterprise) 出資額: shusshigaku: amount of investment <<< 額 出資金: shusshikin: an investment <<< 金 出資者: shusshisha: investor, financier <<< 者 出資払込: shusshiharaikomi: payment of contributions 共同出資: kyoudoushusshi: joint investment <<< 共同 出身pronunciation: shusshinkanji characters: 出 , 身 keyword: geography translation: nativity 出身の: shusshinnno: native 出身地: shusshinchi: native place <<< 地 出身校: shusshinkou: one's alma mater <<< 校
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