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粉飾pronunciation: hunshokukanji characters: 粉 , 飾 keyword: finance translation: embellishment, varnish (n.) 粉飾する: hunshokusuru: embellish, varnish (v.) 粉飾を施す: hunshokuohodokosu <<< 施 粉飾決済: hunshokukessai: window-dressing settlement <<< 決済 噴出pronunciation: hunshutsukanji characters: 噴 , 出 keyword: nature translation: spouting, gushing, jet, extrusion, eruption 噴出する: hunshutsusuru: spout, gush out [forth], spurt (out), belch (out, forth), boil out, well (out, up, forth) 噴出物: hunshutsubutsu: ejecta, eruptions <<< 物 check also: 噴火 紛争pronunciation: hunsoukanji characters: 紛 , 争 other spells: 紛諍 keyword: war translation: dispute, strife, conflict 紛争中の: hunsouchuuno <<< 中 紛争を起こす: hunsouookosu: come to blows <<< 起 紛争を避ける: hunsouosakeru: avoid a dispute [conflict] <<< 避 国境紛争: kokkyouhunsou: boundary dispute <<< 国境 大学紛争: daigakuhunsou: student uprisings <<< 大学 国際紛争: kokusaihunsou: international disputes <<< 国際 カシミール紛争: kashimiiruhunsou: Kashmir dispute <<< カシミール キプロス紛争: kipurosuhunsou: Cyprus dispute <<< キプロス 噴水pronunciation: hunsuikanji characters: 噴 , 水 keyword: house translation: fountain 噴水器: hunsuiki: waterspout <<< 器 噴水孔: hunsuikou: jet, spout <<< 孔
触合pronunciation: hureaikanji characters: 触 , 合 other spells: 触れ合 translation: intercourse of minds, contact, sympathy 触合う: hureau: come in contact with, touch each other 心が触合う: kokorogahureau: sympathize with each other <<< 心 , 共感 不利pronunciation: hurikanji characters: 不 , 利 keyword: sport translation: disadvantage, drawback, handicap 不利な: hurina: disadvantageous, unfavorable, unprofitable 不利に成る: hurininaru: become unfavorable for <<< 成 antonyms: 有利 振出pronunciation: huridashikanji characters: 振 , 出 other spells: 振り出 keyword: bank translation: start, starting point, throw, drawing, issue 振出す: huridasu: shake out, draw (a bill), remit 振出に戻る: huridashinimodoru: make a new start <<< 戻 振出地: huridashichi: place of issue <<< 地 振出人: huridashinin: drawer (of a bill), remitter (of a money order) <<< 人 振出手形: huridashitegata: bill of exchange <<< 手形 為替を振出す: kawaseohuridasu: draw a money order <<< 為替 小切手振出: kogittehuridashi: check drawing <<< 小切手 check also: 振込 振替pronunciation: hurikaekanji characters: 振 , 替 other spells: 振り替 keyword: bank translation: change (n.), transfer 振替える: hurikaeru: change (a bill), bank transfer 振替為替: hurikaekawase: postal check [cheque] <<< 為替 振替口座: hurikaekouza: giro account <<< 口座 振掛pronunciation: hurikakekanji characters: 振 , 掛 other spells: 振り掛 keyword: food translation: seasoned powder for sprinkling over rice 振掛ける: hurikakeru: sprinkle over, spatter 振子pronunciation: hurikokanji characters: 振 , 子 other spells: 振り子 keyword: mechanics translation: pendulum, bob 振子運動: hurikoundou: pendular movement, pendulum motion <<< 運動 振子時計: hurikodokei: pendulum clock <<< 時計
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