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童貞pronunciation: douteikanji characters: 童 , 貞 keyword: sex translation: chastity (of a man), virginity 童貞の: douteino: virgin (a.) 童貞を守る: douteiomamoru: keep one's chastity <<< 守 童貞を破る: douteioyaburu: lose one's chastity <<< 破 check also: 処女 道徳pronunciation: doutokukanji characters: 道 , 徳 keyword: moral translation: morality, morals 道徳上の: doutokujouno: moral <<< 上 道徳的: doutokuteki <<< 的 道徳的に: doutokutekini: morally, from the moral point of view 道徳家: doutokuka: virtuous man <<< 家 道徳律: doutokuritsu: moral law [code] <<< 律 道徳観: doutokukan: moral view <<< 観 道徳心: doutokushin: moral sense, morality <<< 心 道徳感覚: doutokukankaku <<< 感覚 道徳教育: doutokukyouiku: moral education <<< 教育 不道徳: hudoutoku: immorality <<< 不 不道徳な: hudoutokuna: immoral 公衆道徳: koushuudoutoku: public morality <<< 公衆 既成道徳: kiseidoutoku: positive morality <<< 既成 実践道徳: jissendoutoku: practical morality <<< 実践 商人道徳: shounindoutoku: tradesman's morality <<< 商人 check also: 倫理 , モラル 童話pronunciation: douwakanji characters: 童 , 話 keyword: literature translation: nursery [fairly] tale, juvenile story 童話劇: douwageki: juvenile play <<< 劇 童話作家: douwasakka: fairy-tale writer <<< 作家 check also: 物語 胴輪pronunciation: douwakanji characters: 胴 , 輪 keyword: pet translation: harness synonyms: ハーネス
同様pronunciation: douyoukanji characters: 同 , 様 translation: similarity, the same kind, the same manner 同様の: douyouno: the same, identical, similar, equal, of the same kind 同様に: douyouni: similarly, equally, in the same manner 以下同様: ikadouyou: and so forth <<< 以下 新品同様: shinpindouyou: like new <<< 新品 check also: 同一 童謡pronunciation: douyoukanji characters: 童 , 謡 keyword: music translation: children's (nursery) song 童謡集: douyoushuu: nursery rhymes <<< 集 動揺pronunciation: douyoukanji characters: 動 , 揺 translation: shaking, unrest, shock, stir, disturbance, fluster, tailspin 動揺する: douyousuru: shake, tremble, jolt, be disturbed, fluster 動揺し易い: douyoushiyasui: unstable <<< 易 synonyms: 狼狽 同族pronunciation: douzokukanji characters: 同 , 族 keyword: family , chemistry translation: the same family [tribe], homology 同族の: douzokuno: of the same family, homologous 同族体: douzokutai: homologue <<< 体 同族会社: douzokugaisha: family partnership <<< 会社 同族結婚: douzokukekkon: endogamy <<< 結婚 銅像pronunciation: douzoukanji characters: 銅 , 像 keyword: art translation: bronze statue 土曜pronunciation: doyoukanji characters: 土 , 曜 keyword: calendar translation: Saturday 土曜日: doyoubi <<< 日 先週の土曜: senshuunodoyou: last Saturday, on Saturday last <<< 先週
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