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客車pronunciation: kyakushakanji characters: 客 , 車 keyword: train translation: passenger car [carriage], railroad car, coach, railway carriage check also: 貨車 脚立pronunciation: kyatatsukanji characters: 脚 , 立 keyword: furniture translation: stepladder 巨大pronunciation: kyodaikanji characters: 巨 , 大 translation: hugeness 巨大な: kyodaina: huge, gigantic, enormous, colossal, titanic, humongous 巨大化: kyodaika: enlargement, magnification <<< 化 巨大化する: kyodaikasuru: enlarge, increase in size 巨大店舗: kyodaitenpo: megastore, superstore <<< 店舗 巨大都市: kyodaitoshi: megalopolis <<< 都市 巨大計画: kyodaikeikaku: megaproject, gigantic project <<< 計画 巨大事業: kyodaijigyou <<< 事業 巨大企業: kyodaikigyou: megabusiness, megacorporation <<< 企業 巨大分子: kyodaibunshi: macromolecule <<< 分子 check also: マンモス 挙動pronunciation: kyodoukanji characters: 挙 , 動 keyword: crime translation: action, movement, conduct, behavior, deportment 挙動不審: kyodouhushin: suspicious behavior <<< 不審 挙動不審の廉で: kyodouhushinnnokadode: on account of one's suspicious behavior <<< 廉
虚言pronunciation: kyogenkanji characters: 虚 , 言 translation: lie, falsehood 虚言する: kyogensuru: lie (v.) 虚言癖: kyogenguse: habit of lying, mythomania <<< 癖 虚言症: kyogenshou <<< 症 虚言症患者: kyogenshoukanja: mythomaniac <<< 患者 check also: 嘘 拒否pronunciation: kyohikanji characters: 拒 , 否 keyword: politics , medicine translation: refusal, rejection, denial, veto 拒否する: kyohisuru: refuse, reject, deny, veto, refusenik 拒否権: kyohiken: (right to) veto <<< 権 拒否権を行使する: kyohikennokoushisuru: exercise one's veto power <<< 行使 拒否反応: kyohihannnou: rejection reaction <<< 反応 入国を拒否する: nyuukokuokyohisuru: refuse [deny] (a person) entry into a country <<< 入国 登校拒否: toukoukyohi: school phobia <<< 登校 check also: 拒絶 虚弱pronunciation: kyojakukanji characters: 虚 , 弱 keyword: health translation: weakness, infirmity 虚弱な: kyojakuna: weak, delicate, sickly 虚弱体質: kyojakutaishitsu: weak constitution 巨人pronunciation: kyojinkanji characters: 巨 , 人 keyword: fantasy translation: giant, troll, Titan, Colossus, great [leading] figure, Giants (a Japanese baseball team) 巨人の様な: kyojinnnoyouna: gigantic, titanic, colossus <<< 様 巨人症: kyojinshou: gigantism <<< 症 進撃の巨人: shingekinokyojin: Attack on Titan (a manga of Hajime Isayama, 2009-now) <<< 進撃 antonyms: 小人 虚実pronunciation: kyojitsukanji characters: 虚 , 実 translation: appearance and reality 虚実を確かめる: kyojitsuotashikameru: make sure of [ascertain] the truth <<< 確 居住pronunciation: kyojuukanji characters: 居 , 住 keyword: house translation: dwelling, residence 居住する: kyojuusuru: live, dwell, reside 居住者: kyojuusha: dweller, resident, inhabitant, tenant <<< 者 居住性: kyujuusei: habitability <<< 性 居住性が良い: kyojuuseigaii: have a lot of amenities <<< 良 居住性が優れた: kyojuuseigasugureta: comfortable <<< 優 居住地: kyojuuchi: place of residence <<< 地 居住権: kyojuuken: right of residence <<< 権 居住証明書: kyojuushoumeisho: certificate of residence check also: 住居
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