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復習pronunciation: hukushuukanji characters: 復 , 習 keyword: school translation: review (n.), revision 復習する: hukushuusuru: review (v.), revise, run over 復習講座: hukushuukouza: refresher course <<< 講座 学課を復習する: gakkaohukushuusuru: review one's lessons <<< 学課 check also: 予習 復讐pronunciation: hukushuukanji characters: 復 , 讐 keyword: war translation: revenge (n.), vengeance, retaliation 復讐する: hukushuusuru: revenge (v.), retaliate 復讐心: hukushuushin: revengeful thought <<< 心 復讐心に燃える: hukushuushinnnimoeru: burn with revengeful thought <<< 燃 復讐者: hukushuusha: revenger, avenger <<< 者 復讐戦: hukushuusen: war of revenge, return match [game] <<< 戦 synonyms: 雪辱 , 報復 服装pronunciation: hukusoukanji characters: 服 , 装 keyword: clothes translation: dress, costume, clothes, garments 服装を整える: hukusouototonoeru: dress up (oneself) <<< 整 服装を改める: hukusouoaratameru: change one's clothes <<< 改 服装検査: hukusoukensa: dress inspection <<< 検査 服装規定: hukusoukitei: dress code <<< 規定 服装倒錯者: hukusoutousakusha: crossdresser, transvestite synonyms: 衣装 複数pronunciation: hukusuukanji characters: 複 , 数 keyword: grammar translation: plural (n.), several 複数の: hukusuuno: plural (a.) 複数形: hukusuukei: plural form <<< 形 複数名詞: hukusuumeishi: plural noun <<< 名詞 check also: 単数
不屈pronunciation: hukutsukanji characters: 不 , 屈 keyword: life translation: dauntlessness 不屈の: hukutsuno: undaunted, dauntless 不屈の精神: hukutsunoseishin: indomitable spirit, fortitude, inner strength <<< 精神 不屈の意志: hukutsunoishi <<< 意志 腹痛pronunciation: hukutsuukanji characters: 腹 , 痛 keyword: disease translation: stomachache, bellyache, colic 腹痛がする: hukutsuugasuru: have a stomachache check also: 胃痛 服用pronunciation: hukuyoukanji characters: 服 , 用 keyword: drug translation: taking medicine 服用する: hukuyousuru: take medicine 複雑pronunciation: hukuzatsukanji characters: 複 , 雑 keyword: medicine , science translation: complexity, complication 複雑な: hukuzatsuna: complex, complicated 複雑にする: hukuzatsunisuru: complicate 複雑化する: hukuzatsukasuru <<< 化 複雑化: hukuzatsuka: complication 複雑に成る: hukuzatsuninaru: become complicated <<< 成 複雑骨折: hukuzatsukossetsu: compound fracture <<< 骨折 check also: 単純 不況pronunciation: hukyoukanji characters: 不 , 況 keyword: economy translation: (business) depression, recession, slump 不況の: hukyouno: depressed, dull 不況の時代: hukyounojidai: depression days, hard times <<< 時代 不況対策: hukyoutaisaku: anti-depression policy, anti-recession measures <<< 対策 構造不況: kouzouhukyou: structural crisis <<< 構造 布教pronunciation: hukyoukanji characters: 布 , 教 keyword: religion translation: mission, propagation, missionary work 布教する: hukyousuru: propagate (a religion), be engaged in missionary work 布教師: hukyoushi: missionary, chaplain <<< 師
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