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死地pronunciation: shichikanji characters: 死 , 地 keyword: death translation: jaws of death 死地に赴く: shichiniomomuku: go into the jaws of death <<< 赴 死地に乗り込む: shichininorikomu 死地を脱する: chichiodassuru: escape the jaws of death <<< 脱 七月pronunciation: shichigatsukanji characters: 七 , 月 other spells: 7月 keyword: calendar translation: July 七五三pronunciation: shichigosankanji characters: 七 , 五 , 三 keyword: fest translation: 'festival day for children aged seven, five and three (on November 15)' 七十pronunciation: shichijuu , nanajuukanji characters: 七 , 十 other spells: 70 keyword: number translation: seventy 七十代: shichijuudai, nanajuudai: one's seventies <<< 代 七十番: shichijuuban, nanajuuban: seventieth <<< 番 第七十: daishichijuu, dainanajuu <<< 第
七面鳥pronunciation: shichimenchoukanji characters: 七 , 面 , 鳥 keyword: bird , food translation: turkey, gobbler, turkey cock, turkey hen 七人pronunciation: shichininkanji characters: 七 , 人 keyword: movie translation: seven persons 七人の侍: shichininnnosamurai: Seven Samurai (a film of Akira Kurosawa, 1954) <<< 侍 七人の小人: shichininnnokobito: Seven Dwarfs (characters of Snow White) <<< 小人 荒野の七人: kouyanoshichinin: The Magnificent seven (an American western, 1960) <<< 荒野 質屋pronunciation: shichiyakanji characters: 質 , 屋 keyword: shop translation: pawnshop, pawnbroker 公益質屋: kouekishichiya: public pawnshop <<< 公益 市長pronunciation: shichoukanji characters: 市 , 長 keyword: administration translation: mayor (of a big town), burgess 市長の: shichouno: mayoral 市長選挙: shichousenkyo: mayoral election <<< 選挙 市長任期: shichouninki: mayoralty <<< 任期 ニューヨーク市長: nyuuyookushichou: Mayor of New York <<< ニューヨーク check also: 市庁 , 町長 市庁pronunciation: shichoukanji characters: 市 , 庁 keyword: town translation: municipal office, city hall check also: 市長 視聴pronunciation: shichoukanji characters: 視 , 聴 keyword: media translation: attention, interest 視聴率: shichouritsu: audience rating, viewing figures <<< 率 視聴料: shichouryou: TV licence fee <<< 料 視聴者: shichousha: spectator, viewer <<< 者
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