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霜柱pronunciation: shimobashirakanji characters: 霜 , 柱 keyword: weather translation: ice needles, ice columns, frost in the ground 霜柱が立つ: shimobashiragatatsu: Frost forms <<< 立 下期pronunciation: shimokikanji characters: 下 , 期 keyword: calendar translation: second half of the (fiscal) year antonyms: 上期 指紋pronunciation: shimonkanji characters: 指 , 紋 keyword: crime translation: fingerprint 指紋を取る: shimonnotoru: take fingerprints <<< 取 指紋学: shimongaku: dactylography <<< 学 指紋法: shimonhou <<< 法 下関pronunciation: shimonosekikanji characters: 下 , 関 keyword: japan translation: Shimonoseki (city) 下関市: shimonosekishi: City of Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi) <<< 市 check also: 山口 , Shimonoseki
霜焼pronunciation: shimoyakekanji characters: 霜 , 焼 keyword: disease translation: frostbite, chilblains 霜焼が出来る: shimoyakegadekiru: become frostbitten, be affected with chilblains, have chilblains <<< 出来 霜焼に罹る: shimoyakenikakaru <<< 罹 check also: 凍傷 支那pronunciation: shinakanji characters: 支 , 那 other spells: シナ keyword: china translation: China (anc.) 支那竹: shinachiku: lactate-fermented bamboo shoots (used in ramen) <<< 竹 , メンマ synonyms: 中国 品川pronunciation: shinagawakanji characters: 品 , 川 keyword: japan translation: Shinagawa (borough, station) 品川区: shinagawaku: Borough of Shinagawa (in Tokyo) <<< 区 品川駅: shinagawaeki: Shinagawa Station <<< 駅 市内pronunciation: shinaikanji characters: 市 , 内 keyword: town translation: city (n.) 市内の: shinaino: local, city (a.) 市内で: shinaide: in (within, inside) city 市内版: shinaiban: city edition <<< 版 市内電車: shinaidensha: tram, streetcar <<< 電車 市内通話: shinaitsuuwa: local call 市内配達: shinaihaitatsu: city delivery <<< 配達 旧市内: kyuushinai: old town center <<< 旧 パリ市内: parishinai: City of Paris <<< パリ ロンドン市内: rondonshinai: inside London city <<< ロンドン check also: 郊外 , 市外 竹刀pronunciation: shinaikanji characters: 竹 , 刀 keyword: martial art translation: bamboo sword check also: 剣道 , 木剣 品物pronunciation: shinamonokanji characters: 品 , 物 keyword: business translation: article, thing, goods 安価な品物: ankanashinamono: cheap article, gimcrack, trash <<< 安価 雑多な品物: zattanashinamono: sundries <<< 雑多 check also: 商品
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