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偏見pronunciation: henkenkanji characters: 偏 , 見 keyword: politics translation: prejudice, bias, prejudiced view 偏見有る: henkennaru: prejudiced, biased, partial, unfair <<< 有 偏見無い: henkennnai: unprejudiced, unbiased, impartial, fair <<< 無 偏見を抱く: henkennoidaku: have a prejudice against, be prejudiced (biased) against <<< 抱 偏見を持つ: henkennomotsu <<< 持 返金pronunciation: henkinkanji characters: 返 , 金 keyword: bank translation: repayment, refundment 返金する: henkinsuru: return the money, pay back, refund 変更pronunciation: henkoukanji characters: 変 , 更 keyword: travel translation: change (n.), modification, alteration 変更する: henkousuru: change (v.), modify, alter 変更出来る: henkoudekiru: alterable, changeable <<< 出来 変更出来ない: henkoudekinai: unalterable, unchangeable 住所変更: juushohenkou: change of address <<< 住所 名称を変更する: meishouohenkousuru: change the name, give another name <<< 名称 偏屈pronunciation: henkutsukanji characters: 偏 , 屈 translation: obstination, eccentricity 偏屈な: henkutsuna: obstinate, bigoted, narrow-minded, eccentric
返却pronunciation: henkyakukanji characters: 返 , 却 keyword: transport translation: return (n.), repayment 返却する: henkyakusuru: return, give back 本を返却する: honnohenkyakusuru: return the book <<< 本 synonyms: 返送 , 返品 編曲pronunciation: henkyokukanji characters: 編 , 曲 keyword: music translation: arrangement [adaptation] (of a music) 編曲する: henkyokusuru: arrange (a music) 辺境pronunciation: henkyoukanji characters: 辺 , 境 keyword: geography translation: frontier, border, borderland 辺境の地: henkyounochi: distant [border] area, borderland <<< 地 辺境伯: henkyouhaku: margrave <<< 伯 辺境開拓: henkyoukaitaku: frontier settlement <<< 開拓 辺境開拓者: henkyoukaitakusha: frontiersman <<< 者 辺境開拓精神: henkyoukaitakuseishin: frontier spirit <<< 精神 check also: 国境 , フロンティア 変圧pronunciation: hennatsukanji characters: 変 , 圧 keyword: electricity translation: transformation 変圧する: hennatsusuru: transform 変圧器: hennatsuki: transformer <<< 器 変圧所: hennatsusho: voltage transformation substation <<< 所 check also: トランス 変位pronunciation: hennikanji characters: 変 , 位 keyword: electricity translation: displacement 変位電流: hennidenryuu: displacement current <<< 電流 変異pronunciation: hennikanji characters: 変 , 異 keyword: biology translation: variation, mutation 突然変異: totsuzenhenni: mutation <<< 突然
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