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給与pronunciation: kyuuyokanji characters: 給 , 与 keyword: job translation: supply (n.), allowance, salary, wages 給与する: kyuuyosuru: allow, supply 給与金: kyuuyokin: allowance, grant <<< 金 給与税: kyuuyozei: payroll taxes <<< 税 給与改定: kyuuyokaitei: pay [wage] increase <<< 改定 給与所得: kyuuyoshotoku: earned income <<< 所得 給与所得者: kyuuyoshotokusha: wage earner <<< 者 給与審査: kyuuyoshinsa: salary review <<< 審査 給与明細: kyuuyomeisai: payslip <<< 明細 給与水準: kyuuyosuijun: wage level <<< 水準 給与体系: kyuuyotaikei: wage system <<< 体系 現物給与: genbutsukyuuyo: allowance in kind <<< 現物 check also: 給料 急用pronunciation: kyuuyoukanji characters: 急 , 用 keyword: job translation: urgent [pressing] business 急用で: kyuuyoude: on urgent business 急用の場合: kyuuyounobaai: in case of emergency <<< 場合 休養pronunciation: kyuuyoukanji characters: 休 , 養 keyword: job translation: rest, recreation 休養する: kyuuyousuru: take a rest, repose, recruit 休養を取る: kyuuyouotoru <<< 取 休養日: kyuuyoubi: day off, rest [resting] day <<< 日 休養室: kyuuyoushitsu: holding area, recreation room, staffroom <<< 室 休養旅行: kyuuyouryokou: convalescent trip <<< 旅行 check also: 休憩 , 休息 給油pronunciation: kyuuyukanji characters: 給 , 油 keyword: transport translation: oil supply, refueling 給油する: kyuuyusuru: refuel (a plane, a car), feed, lubricate 給油機: kyuuyuki: tanker plane <<< 機 給油船: kyuuyusen: tanker <<< 船 , タンカー 給油車: kyuuyusha: tank lorry [truck, car, wagon], rail [road] tanker <<< 車 給油所: kyuuyusho: oil [gasoline, filling] station <<< 所 給油係: kyuuyugakari: petrol [gas] pump attendant <<< 係 空中給油: kuuchuukyuuyu: refueling in the air, air-to-air refueling <<< 空中
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