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kanji characters: 飢 , 餓 keyword: disaster translation: hunger, starvation 飢餓に瀕する: kiganihinsuru: be starving, be on the verge [brink] of starvation <<< 瀕 飢餓民: kigamin: starvelings <<< 民 着替
kanji characters: 着 , 替 keyword: clothes translation: spare clothing [suits], change of clothes 着替える: kigaeru: change one's clothes, dress (for dinner) 着替えする: kigaesuru 着替え所: kigaesho: dressing room <<< 所 check also: 更衣 危害
kanji characters: 危 , 害 translation: harm, injury 危害を加える: kigaiokuwaeru: inflict an injury (on), do harm (to), do (a person) harm <<< 加 危害を免れる: kigaiomanugareru: escape unhurt, keep out of harm's way <<< 免 祈願
kanji characters: 祈 , 願 keyword: religion translation: prayer, supplication 祈願する: kigansuru: pray (for), offer a prayer (to)
kanji characters: 気 , 兼 translation: reserve, hesitation, inhibition, constraint 気兼する: kiganesuru: be afraid of giving trouble (to), feel some constraint, have a regard for a person's feelings, be [feel] ill at ease 気兼無しに: kiganenashini: without reserve <<< 無 気兼せずに: kiganesezuni 気兼しないで: kiganeshinaide 気兼しないで下さい: kiganeshinaidekudasai: don't mind me, don't put yourself out for me <<< 下 check also: 遠慮 気軽
kanji characters: 気 , 軽 translation: light heart, cheerfulness, casualness 気軽な: kigaruna: lighthearted, cheerful, buoyant, casual, informal 気軽に: kigaruni: with a light heart, readily, free from worry [care] synonyms: 気楽 喜劇
kanji characters: 喜 , 劇 keyword: show translation: comedy, farce 喜劇を演じる: kigekioenjiru: play a comedy <<< 演 喜劇の: kigekino: comic, farcical 喜劇的: kigekiteki <<< 的 喜劇俳優: kigekihaiyuu: comic actor <<< 俳優 喜劇役者: kigekiyakusha: comedian <<< 役者 喜劇作者: kigekisakusha: comic writer <<< 作者 喜劇小説: kigekishousetsu: comic novel <<< 小説 喜劇映画: kigekieiga: comic film <<< 映画 check also: 悲劇 紀元
kanji characters: 紀 , 元 keyword: history , calendar translation: foundation of an empire, birth of Jesus Christ 紀元前: kigenzen: before Christ, BC <<< 前 紀元後: kigengo: after Christ, AD <<< 後 キリスト紀元: kirisutokigen: Christian era <<< キリスト check also: 西暦 期限
kanji characters: 期 , 限 keyword: calendar translation: term, period, deadline 期限までに: kigenmadeni: until the term, before the deadline 期限切れ: kigengire: expiration <<< 切 期限が切れる: kigengakireru: The term runs out [expires], be overdue 期限が過ぎる: kigengasugiru <<< 過 期限が切れた: kigengakireta: expired <<< 切 期限に成る: kigennninaru: mature, become [fall] due <<< 成 期限が来る: kigengakuru <<< 来 期限を定める: kigennosadameru: fix a term, set a deadline <<< 定 期限を付ける: kigennotsukeru: fix [place] a deadline, set a time limit <<< 付 期限付の: kigenZukino: limited in time, fixed-term 期限を守る: kegennomamoru: meet [observe] the deadline <<< 守 期限に遅れる: kigennniokureru: miss the deadline <<< 遅 期限を延ばす: kigennonobasu: extend the deadline <<< 延 期限を延長する: kigennoenchousuru <<< 延長 期限満了: kigenmanryou: expiration of a term 出願期限: shutsugankigen: time limit for application <<< 出願 申込期限: moushikomikigen: time limit for application <<< 申込 賞味期限: shoumikigen: shelf life <<< 賞味 償還期限: shoukankigen: term [period] of redemption, date of maturity <<< 償還 申告期限: shinkokukigen: term of declaration <<< 申告 在職期限: zaishokukigen: length of one's service <<< 在職 synonyms: 期間 起源
kanji characters: 起 , 源 keyword: history translation: origin, derivation, birth, beginning 起源する: kigensuru: originate, derive, be born from 起源を尋ねる: kigennotazuneru: trace to its origin <<< 尋 起源に遡る: kigennnisakanoboru <<< 遡 種の起源: shunokigen: The Origin of Species (by Charles Darwin, 1859) <<< 種 synonyms: 由来 , ルーツ
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