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夕焼pronunciation: yuuyakekanji characters: 夕 , 焼 keyword: weather translation: evening glow, afterglow 夕焼け空: yuuyakezora: sky aglow with the setting sun, glowing sky <<< 空 check also: 夕日 猶予pronunciation: yuuyokanji characters: 猶 , 予 keyword: justice translation: postponement, extension (of time), grace, delay, hesitation, moratorium 猶予する: yuuyosuru: postpone, give (a person) time, give (a day's) grace, reprieve 猶予無く: yuuyonaku: without delay, without hesitation, promptly, at once <<< 無 猶予期間: yuuyokikan: period [days] of grace <<< 期間 起訴猶予: kisoyuuyo: suspension of indictment <<< 起訴 執行猶予: shikkouyuuyo: probation, reprieve <<< 執行 湯沸pronunciation: yuwakashikanji characters: 湯 , 沸 keyword: utensil translation: hot-water heating, hot-water heater, kettle 湯沸し器: yuwakashiki: hot-water heater, geyser <<< 器 check also: 薬缶
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